greetings anathemongs


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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i come in peace. as soon as i returned from the motw/antennae conflict i realized the folly of war and became a voice for peace.

i went to london last week... \m/ and this week i bought my first anathema. i like that they cover better off dead (yea, i got the quiet album im into that stuff).
mind if i spam up your bored (sic) a bit? ive tired of my old pissing grounds.

oh and heres a picture that looks like my dog but isnt him.

sometimes its hard or sad having the cutest dog in the world, because i look at him and realize "it doesnt get any cuter than this"

we just came home from playing with his two other huskie friends. they are big sweeties compared to my dog, but he still beats all in the looks department (where it counts, duh).