Greetings fellow metalheads!


Oct 10, 2007
Soo... I'm really shit at introductions, but I guess a brief resumé of myself is in order...

firstly, metal pretty much dominates my life these days. I'm a student, so I have far too much time, which I spend listening to metal, playing guitar, surfing the intarwebs, drinking, gaming, and... painting Warhammer.
Don't get much more brutal than that.

So... what metal do I like... kvlt, obscure black metal mostly :rock:
but I also really like melodeath (Kalmah is THE best band ever!) and really fucking heavy techdeath, esp. Nile.

Ermm... I can't think of anything else... I'm a really good skiier... an atheist... a computer geek (yeah, I have an odd mix of hobbies)... and I'm addicted to gigs. Went to Wacken this year for the first time, t'was sick, even though I passed out half way through Cannibal Corpse.

So... hi!