Your favorite video games

I thought the first Half-Life was a great game back then, and still do, but I've realized it kind of has no story to it... At least, one that unfolds during the game.
Loved Fallout 1&2.

Still gotta try IL-2 1946. I had the original IL2 & it was freakin' awesome.

I noticed you mentioned X3.. I never got that far in it... how's the combat? I'm thinking of reinstalling with a money cheat & giving another shot at it.

FWIW, I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on Jumpgate 2.

1946 is ace man. Same deal as IL-2 but with all the expansions. Had about a year of consistent fun playing that. We're all hanging with baited breath for Storm of War (the sequel). In the mean time a company has taken the flight model from IL-2 and made a revamped engine in the form of Wings of Prey. Just came out - looks ace. I'm keen to try.

X3 is more of an economic/management type game than a pure flight sim. The flight elements are all very rudimentary - the flight model being extremely basic. It's a great game in its own right, but the only time I found combat enjoyable was when I bought my first capital ships and brought the pain down on dozens of pirates.

Jumpgate 2... is that the Russian one?
star trek voyager elite force :cool:
earth 2150
gauntlet legends
gorky 17
baldur's gate 1&2
star lancer (in the good old times when joysticks for computer were still popular :lol:)
deus ex
systemshock 2
god of war

i dunno but for some reason i really like it that the graphics are so bad in many of the older games,
it really contributes to the atmosphere if things look more bizzarre
sometimes i also set the graphics quality very low for newer games, it just makes the whole thing less realistic and more abstract
i mean, i already have reality, i don't want a video game to be as realistic as possible, in a certain way video games are to escape reality
1946 is ace man. Same deal as IL-2 but with all the expansions. Had about a year of consistent fun playing that. We're all hanging with baited breath for Storm of War (the sequel). In the mean time a company has taken the flight model from IL-2 and made a revamped engine in the form of Wings of Prey. Just came out - looks ace. I'm keen to try.

X3 is more of an economic/management type game than a pure flight sim. The flight elements are all very rudimentary - the flight model being extremely basic. It's a great game in its own right, but the only time I found combat enjoyable was when I bought my first capital ships and brought the pain down on dozens of pirates.

Jumpgate 2... is that the Russian one?

Thanks for the summary of X3. The first X game had pretty decent combat, IMO. My addiction to space combat/trading games goes all the way back to Elite on the c64.

Jumpgate Evolution is sort of a massively multiplayer Elite, IMO.
Check it out:

I'll check out Wings of Prey. Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks for the summary of X3. The first X game had pretty decent combat, IMO. My addiction to space combat/trading games goes all the way back to Elite on the c64.

Jumpgate Evolution is sort of a massively multiplayer Elite, IMO.
Check it out:

I'll check out Wings of Prey. Thanks for the heads up!

Looks intense. I hope they overcome the grindfest aspect that most MMOs are bogged down by.

Heard great things about the venerable Elite. I wasn't quite gaming on PCs back then, so it's before my time. The X series by all indications seems to be a spiritual successor. It's a good game - worth sinking many months into. Just try to ignore the poorly fleshed out campaign and it's all good. As always the truly hard part is making a start. From memory the best way to get some serious credits rolling is to set up a network of Universal Traders (the game basically functions off scripts... you program all your craft to be automated). Involves doing a bunch of stuff, but pretty fun trying to look after them all as they go about their business and sporadically get attacked by pirates in random sectors, haha.
1. Starcraft hands down best video game ever.

2. Ocarina of Time/Gaunlet Legends classic console games.

3. COD 4/5/6. Been playing these a lot with my little brother in law who has them all for 360 (I don't). Nazi Zombies from WOW is so fun and I'm loving MW2.
I'm pretty sure Episode 3 ends to Gordon Freeman actually saying something. That would make me shit brix
half life is a fucking spiritual journey you guys are weak.

Yeah... I though it was so much better than the 2nd.

And I hate in-game music! I always turn it off anyway. Or used to, didn't do much gaming in this decade.

For many people the music helps them to submerge even deeper into a game, but it's the opposite for me. I mean.. here I go, crawling through a semi-destroyed industrial/lab setting, all on my one... just a flashlight and a fuckin' crowbar to kick E.T.'s ass and all of a sudden there are some rocking tunes blasting. Nah... :bah:

But I've never been a big fan of video game music to begin with. With the one exception of Bobby Prince's work on the ID games and Duke, when he just ripped off the biggest metal bands. :tickled:

And why do people think there's no story in the original HL? You're a scientist dude --> somebody fucks up --> alien portal is open --> aliens have no TACT, get on your balls --> you beta the shit out of them while trying to get out --> thank goat, the marines --> oh noes, the marines --> super fun trip to alien home ---> jump, jump, jump, fall ---> brainbug ---> g-man --> ??? ---> end...?
yeah, but... you know... since I heard the following games aren't about Freeman, it would rule if he actually learned to open his mouth so he could get laid :lol: I'm worried about him
i still think HL2 kicks HL1's ass but HL1 is still a 10/10 game in every way possible
yeah, but... you know... since I heard the following games aren't about Freeman, it would rule if he actually learned to open his mouth so he could get laid :lol: I'm worried about him

where the fuck did you hear that
i suggest you check your sources
You're a scientist dude --> somebody fucks up --> alien portal is open --> aliens have no TACT, get on your balls --> you beta the shit out of them while trying to get out --> thank goat, the marines --> oh noes, the marines --> super fun trip to alien home ---> jump, jump, jump, fall ---> brainbug ---> g-man --> ??? ---> end...?

:lol: :lol: Well exactly!

Point just is, games like Deus Ex and such have a truly immersive story that can really surprise you at the first time. Don't remember many newer games that would have a plot as good...

As for the music, there are some truly excellent soundtracks for games out there. I love the soundtracks of Hitman 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, etc. Powerful or beautiful orchestral ones, mostly. Now that we're in it, I don't particularily like the music of the Half-Life series. For example, the ending of Episode 2 could REALLY have used something better, it didn't really work for me at all the way it should have.

I also think there are some great pieces of music written for NES games. It seems when you only have a couple of different waveforms to work with, you really get your inspiration flowing...
interviews with doug lombardi that have said nothing of the sort?
however if you can confirm this ill concede.

but considering valves philosophy on the half-life series i cant see them making a half-life game for the TIME BEING that isn't from gordon's perspective. i mean there's shell (or chell? whatever) from portal, and I'm sure she'll become a fully fledged character one day, and who knows, maybe we'll see Shepard. But Half-Life *IS* Freeman, and they know that.

But yeah, like I said, provide link and i will concede

also morrowinds music is like a jackhammer to the frontal lobe. brain numbing stuff.