Your favorite video games

I'd also add to my list:

Age Of Empires
Profesor Layton (NDS)

And my childhood's addiction:

1.The Elder Scrolls Oblivion. favorite game ever.even got the mage guild logo on my back
others in no particular order
Final Fantasy 9
Modern Warfare 2
Timesplitters 3
Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill 2
Toejam and Earl(Sega Genesis)
Sonic and Knuckles
Metal Gear solid 3
Dragon Age Origins
theres some for now
I rediscovered an old favourite a few days ago:
Death Rally :rock:

It's been ported for Windows and is available for free dowload. It doesn't support multiplayer in the windows version, though, so I set up a server using dosbox and played the Dos version with a couple of friends. It's great fun. Anyone want to give it a go?

I'll list my favourite games... most are for PC. I'm really not a big fan of console games.

1) Warbirds
2) Battlefield 1942 (and subsequent sequels)
3) Duke Nukem 3d
4) Racing Destruction Set (why this never got a sequel is beyond me)
5) Tie Fighter
6) Quake 2
7) Knights of the Old Republic
8) Jedi Knight (and Jedi Academy)
9) Unreal Tournament
10) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
I gotta say Metal Gear Solid 1 , MGS4 , Uncharted 2 , Modern Warfare 2 , God Of War 2, and Assassin's Creed 2. Lot of 2's in there. Metal Gear Solid 2 sucked ass though , and I am a die hard Metal gear fan. Thankfully Raiden grew a pair in MGS4.
I only play PC games because I've never owned a console! These are my favourites:
Half Life 1 & 2
Far Cry

Portal is a fun experience if you play it after drinking!

Portal is a fun experience on any form of perception altering substance :D
gave me a nasty headache after a particularly heavy drinking session tough once. haha.