Highly overrated games

JoshuaLogan the graphics and the feel of greatness are the only things that worth in the game. But the story?:zombie: A guy that wants to resurrect his girlfriend but for that he have to kill 16 giants. You think this is a good story?
Basically the game is to ride that stupid horse and kill a giant, ride the horse --» kill the giant, ride the horse --» kill the giant. Dude I beat at least 8 bosses wihtout a walkthrough. In the first 3 bosses I thought that the game was quite cool game but after that it´s the same shit over and over. And even the battles can really suck because it´s a game of patience, you just have to figure the weak point of the boss and then kill him in the same way that you killed the others. Really, really boring.

F.E.A.R in my point of view is also too overrated, the game it´s not bad but it´s almost all the time in those buildings. The levels are very similar and that sucks hard. As for Resident Evil, it´s a good game without a doubt but I think it´s overrated, it´s not a masterpiece as many people say.
gears of war, halo, killzone, resistance and 3d mario games.

both FEAR's were pretty bad also. infact I'm generally sick to the teeth of shooty shooty bang boom HURR DURR WE ARE TOUGH MANLY MEN shooters
give me a game with some scrawny kid and his horse and 16 big fuck off giants any day.
JoshuaLogan the graphics and the feel of greatness are the only things that worth in the game. But the story?:zombie: A guy that wants to resurrect his girlfriend but for that he have to kill 16 giants. You think this is a good story?
Basically the game is to ride that stupid horse and kill a giant, ride the horse --» kill the giant, ride the horse --» kill the giant. Dude I beat at least 8 bosses wihtout a walkthrough. In the first 3 bosses I thought that the game was quite cool game but after that it´s the same shit over and over. And even the battles can really suck because it´s a game of patience, you just have to figure the weak point of the boss and then kill him in the same way that you killed the others. Really, really boring.

There's a bit more to it than that. It develops a little bit more throughout the game (like when your horse falls) and at the end when you find out what's really been going on the whole time, but the story is meant to be minimalistic. It's the way the story (and the world itself) is presented that the developers were focusing on.

I love games with great stories... Mass Effect 1 and 2, all of the Metal Gear Solid games, etc., but many games aren't about that, and they don't have to be. They don't have to tell a story in the same way a movie does for me to enjoy it. I didn't think Shadow of the Colossus was boring at all... If anything, I think it was really ambitious and a nice change from typical adventure games. It was minimalistic and focusing on art design and overall atmosphere... so, not everyone is going to appreciate it, but obviously many people did, considering the extremely high ratings it has.

Actually, when you think about it, lots of GREAT, classic games never had really long or detailed stories... Zelda is a good example. It wasn't about the story, but the world in general and how everything came together.
gears of war, halo, killzone, resistance and 3d mario games.

both FEAR's were pretty bad also. infact I'm generally sick to the teeth of shooty shooty bang boom HURR DURR WE ARE TOUGH MANLY MEN shooters
give me a game with some scrawny kid and his horse and 16 big fuck off giants any day.

See, I don't think there's anything wrong with liking completely different kinds of games. I like tons of completely different kinds of music and tons of completely different kinds of films... So, why not games?

I like epic adventure games, story driven cinematic RPG games, competetive shooter games, etc. I like them all for different reasons and appreciate them for what they are...

For shooter type games, I love Gears of War. That shit was amazing when it first came out. Halo is fun although rather samey over the years... it could use some big changes to keep things interesting. Modern Warfare 2 is extremely addictive and really fun (and also really fucking annoying at times lol). I gotta say Resistance 1 sucked though... and Killzone 2 seemed pretty boring from the parts I played through... great graphics, but boring story and gameplay. I'd like to check it out more though, and Resistance 2 also. I need to get a PS3 so I can play games like those and God of War 3 and so on... haha
I understand what you say JoshuaLogan but it´s not only the story that fails in my opinion. A good game is made by the sum of its parts and I can understand rates like 7/10 or even 8/10 but never 10/10 as many people rated it. Because the game it´s really far from perfection. I didnt want a story like Max Payne or God Of War but the story has it is, is really poor, could be much better. The feel of greatness of the game doesn´t saves all the weak points. In fact the weaknesses outnumber the strong. The controls of the game are not good and camera angles are really annoying. How can someone rate this as a masterpiece or a gem when the game has so many flaws, it´s what I dont understand.

For me it´s like:
Graphics - 10/10
Story- 3/10
Controls - 5/10
Music - 8/10
The Sims.
Guitar Hero.
Counter-Strike.. seriously, how can anyone with a healthy mind even bother playing that terrible game? D;

There are LOADS more games that i think is overrated, but i just thought i should take the ones that piss me of the most.
See, I don't think there's anything wrong with liking completely different kinds of games. I like tons of completely different kinds of music and tons of completely different kinds of films... So, why not games?

I like epic adventure games, story driven cinematic RPG games, competetive shooter games, etc. I like them all for different reasons and appreciate them for what they are...

Yeah, same man, but the point is that the market's totally flooded with HURRR MACHO MANLY SHOOTY SHOOTY BANG BANG BOOM HURR DUUUUURRRRRRRRR games nowadays.
Josh, I think if you read my previous post, you'll see that I recognized the artistic achievements of "Shadow...", I just honestly didn't really enjoy playing it, which to me is pretty important for a game ;) And MW2's story was ridiculously far-fetched and strung together, but the set pieces for the individual levels were just so incomprehensibly fucking awesome; choppers falling all around you after the EMP, approaching the oil rig by SDV, hanging out the side of a chopper while the F15's assault the gulag (every time I hear "FOX 2!!" in any game or movie it always pumps me up :D), so sweet - every level just had tons of OMG moments, and the pacing and level design were just so perfect IMO :notworthy
And I'm sorry, but Shadow's camera fucking blew for the sole reason that it would spring back to its previous position after you moved it (unlike in other games, where it fucking stays put like it should :mad: )
(cept for that part where you have to go through that old prison, it's only one tiny part but it's chock full of terror when you hear those weird regenerator things making that fucked up sound and you know they're waiting down there somewhere but you don't know where)

Oh yeah, good call, that was the one gem of the island :kickass:
Just about any first person shooter these days. Their jump over to consoles was one of the dumbest moves in gaming history, cementing the fact that they are the gaming industry's Top 40, existing solely to draw large profits toward the publisher and developer.

Beyond that I have to say Deus Ex and Arcanum. Deus Ex really gave me the shits years back when it was released. Just about everyone heralded it as the coming of a new dawn, whereas I saw it for a simplified RPG with fairly poor shooter mechanics. Arcanum may not have a lot of renown in the mainstream, but the ex-Fallout crew mostly seem to rate it high, which is beyond my understanding. The game is too flawed and too bland to really hold one's interest, and doesn't reach the heights that Black Isle did in their heyday. It was typical of Troika. A title full of potential, but never to see it realized.
Bioshock. I wanted so badly to like that game but after a few hours I still just wasn't getting into it, and started playing it less and less. Haven't touched it in months. I'm probably not even half-way through it.
COD: Modern Warefare 2: Single player campaign was cool but ended way too quick. Online isn't what I expected (is it just me or has the death latency gotten worse not better?)

God Of War Series: I find these games so boring.

Halo Series: love the first one, but only cause I used to get wasted with my friends and play stupid scenarios like rockets on the smallest level possible and just act like total idiots.
I will only count the games I have actually played:

- all EA Sports games (and there are plenty reasons why money talks)
- Halo series
- Any single player FPS game after Duke Nukem
- Guitar Hero and Rock Band series (the first 3 GH's and first Rock Band were actually okay, after that it just went seriously downhill)
- Rainbow Six series
- Call of Duty series
- Gran Turismo series (again, few gems there, but no.)
- World of Warcraft
- All F1 and other racing games except carmageddon (seriously, "realistic" racing games boring as fuck)
- All soccer games