Most Overrated Metal Band

Tribalchemy said:
Suck yourself!
These bands stand strong 'cause they deserve it!
roots, bloody roots.
Other people listed these bands too. I have some CDs from all of these artists. Mayhem is ok though pretty simplistic, Burzum have some cool riffs at times but aren't all that great. Darkthrone has some good songs, but some albums are boring and Trasylvanian Hunger is downright horrible. I didn't say that these bands are bad, they are just overrated.
Nile (I think they're decent but the novelty wore off after the first album)
Iced Earth
Celtic Frost
Iron Maiden (I like em, but come on, they have like what, 3 good albums out of how many?)
Cynic (yeah, I said it)
Dank Tranquility
Decapitated (They were 16 when they did their first album. SO FUCKING WHAT!!! Look at how old Emperor, Carcass, Entombed, Ulver and Dimmu Borgir where when they were starting, and you never heard anyone make a big deal about their ages. Maybe it's because those bands didn't have to use an excuse for being generic shit like Decapitated.)
Dream Theater
Lacuna Coil
Nokturnal Mortum
Impaled Nazerene
Shadow's Fall

And last but not least, Strapping Young Lad. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Devin Townsend is a genius, and Ocean Machine and Terria are 2 of my favorite CD's of all time, but come on. HaaRHT was a fucking mess, City was pretty good but trailed off way too much at the end and the new one is boring. Why does everyone act like SYL is the fucking shit? I hope Devin keeps to his word and ends it now. His solo work is all he needs.
hey odb ..
how can you say that cryptopsy AND suffocation are overrated!? two of the finest bands to ever walk the earth ..
in fact, suffocation i would say are vastly UNDER-rated, cos they never achieved mainstream acknowledgement like cannibal corpse or deicide did ..

nice to see someone say iron maiden though, who i think are pure shite, THREE good albums you say!? .. i think THATS over-rating them as well!!
Now to the topic:
Cradle of Filth
Children of Bodom
Massaguah (sp?)
Black Sabbath
Motley Crue
Marilyn Mansion

Now don't get me wrong, I'm positive im missing out a few, I love the bands I mentioned, except for kiss, sabbath, aerosmith, motley. Only thing is that they are loved to much, its not like they did anything special, especially sabbath they are praised for things they never did.
No band on the planet is more overrated than KISS!
God, I hate that band. They suck huge quantities of ass!

Of course, that is only imho. :D
npearce said:
Maybe I should have included the phrase "Why do you think they are overrated?" in my original statement (see first post on this thread). How could somebody possibly think Opeth is overrated?

Easily, I have an opinion, as do you. Maybe you should accept the fact that people have different opinions than you do...
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
Nile (I think they're decent but the novelty wore off after the first album)
Iced Earth
Celtic Frost
Iron Maiden (I like em, but come on, they have like what, 3 good albums out of how many?)
Cynic (yeah, I said it)
Dank Tranquility
Decapitated (They were 16 when they did their first album. SO FUCKING WHAT!!! Look at how old Emperor, Carcass, Entombed, Ulver and Dimmu Borgir where when they were starting, and you never heard anyone make a big deal about their ages. Maybe it's because those bands didn't have to use an excuse for being generic shit like Decapitated.)
Dream Theater
Lacuna Coil
Nokturnal Mortum
Impaled Nazerene
Shadow's Fall

And last but not least, Strapping Young Lad. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Devin Townsend is a genius, and Ocean Machine and Terria are 2 of my favorite CD's of all time, but come on. HaaRHT was a fucking mess, City was pretty good but trailed off way too much at the end and the new one is boring. Why does everyone act like SYL is the fucking shit? I hope Devin keeps to his word and ends it now. His solo work is all he needs.
LOL how about fuck you stupid fag.
DravenMist said:
(Decapitated were actually 12, 13, 15, and 15 when they did their first record)...
No, they were that age when they formed and maybe released their first demo.
The guitarist was 19 when Winds of Creation was recorded.
That's from the man himself by the way.
HardSide said:
Only thing is that they are loved to much, its not like they did anything special, especially sabbath they are praised for things they never did.

That's funny, I've never read *any* claims that Black Sabbath had done something they hadn't. Can you list some examples of what they have been falsely praised for doing?
in the grand scheme of things,Metallica is without doubt the most overrated,with everyone making them seem much more important than they ever were.

As for the underground,many of the "bigger" bands (i use the term in a relative sense) are pretty boring to me.That includes,but not limited to:

Opeth (so they threw in some mellow passages between the heavier stuff,Big deal.Incidentally,Damnation is probably their best album since Morningrise)

Nile (half-assed death metal with egyptian overtones?Please tell,me why that is so appealing?)

Symphony X (On paper it would appear that I would love this band,but I dont.Go figure)

Children Of Bodom (I usually call them Children Of Boredom [not original but quite fitting],it escapes me why so many like them.Yea,the guy shreds,but so does Yngwie)
Children of Bodom

They're boring, not a really strong band. Consistency also isn't that great, although some of their music is enjoyable.

Cradle of Filth
They suck. No, they weren't good before they got some recognition, they have always sucked. I heard of them when I was in fifth grade when someone was making fun of me for liking Korn ( :lol: ) and they sucked then. Nothing changed. Dani Filth trying to be Marilyn Manson just made them worse.

Has been. They're decent, but they aren't really good any more.

Horrible. Even more overrated then Cradle of Filth. They don't deserve to be compared to In Flames and Dark Tranquillity. People actually thought Figure Number Five was better than The Jester Race. They're pathetic, and they keep getting worse. They don't have a Jester race to look back at. Their fans are worse.