Most overrated bands

fat bastard said:
i second that:kickass:

Gah, Soilwork should be officially titled : "The band that went downhill more rapidly than an olympic skier".

Honestly, why the fuck would they turn so utterly shite after The Chainheart Machine? It's like it's some kind of sick joke that we aren't allowed to know about.
Décadent said:
Attila's vocals are honestly marvelous. They're extremely menacing, and the semi-operatic style he goes for in some particular passages (like on the title track, and Pagan Fears) is magic. It's best to think of it as another instrument, since that really seems to be what he was trying to do.

Attila was Mayhem's best vocalist. I don't care what anybody says.
Carcassian said:
Gah, Soilwork should be officially titled : "The band that went downhill more rapidly than an olympic skier".

Honestly, why the fuck would they turn so utterly shite after The Chainheart Machine? It's like it's some kind of sick joke that we aren't allowed to know about.

I agree except for a predators portrait was a lot better than the chainheart machine. Soilworks last few(maybe more) are awful. I don't keep track anyone so they could have 2 more crappy cds than I thought added on to crappy cds.

The solos on a predators portrait are nuts. The solos are like carcass 'heartwork' solos with an edge included.
The Greys said:
I agree except for a predators portrait was a lot better than the chainheart machine. Soilworks last few(maybe more) are awful. I don't keep track anyone so they could have 2 more crappy cds than I thought added on to crappy cds.

The solos on a predators portrait are nuts. The solos are like carcass 'heartwork' solos with an edge included.

soilworks first 4 albums were the best but i don't mind the last 2 at all. the talent is still there but the edge is gone. they are for sure not the same band but like in flames i think its time to redefine who they are once more. im not asking for a complete return to their roots but rather for something we haven't heard yet. bands begin to cliche themselves if they dont move into different territory and the songwriting usually suffers or becomes to predictable. speeds clean vocals have gotten better but i think he needs to use them differently. i still love both bands as they were what led me to discover so many others.
ALK said:
Ehm... Hell no?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!? Dead was by far his superior

Eh, Dead didn't have much of a vocal range. It was just really demonic sounding screams. He was definitely better than Maniac though I can't stand Maniacs vocals.
Katakylsm is awful in my opinion.

I have only heard the last 2,3 albums though.
KMADD said:
All. The older material is better although.

you like "turns to rust"? that song came out awesome in my opinion as far as metal duets go. never knew that gal from Kittie had those screams in her. still not as good as "for all sins" with peter t, though.
byrne said:
yeah, i agree with the above post. i didnt really dig it at first, but seriously, re-listen - his vocals are amazing on that album; chilling, menacing (as mentioned above), seemingly devoid of any sort of emotion. but even then, thats just the start of it - everything about the album rules
I've listened to it 3 times. They still suck.
byrne said:
yeah, i agree with the above post. i didnt really dig it at first, but seriously, re-listen - his vocals are amazing on that album; chilling, menacing (as mentioned above), seemingly devoid of any sort of emotion. but even then, thats just the start of it - everything about the album rules

I have only recently come to agree with this. I first checked out the album a few years ago and utterly hated it and really did think it was hugely overrated. But recently I decided to give it another go and now I love it. I don't know if my tastes have changed or if I just never gave it a proper listen. I think the vocals are definitely something that put you off the first few listens because they just sound unlike anything else (that I have heard atleast) and certainly can't be classified as technically good. But at the same time the utter weirdness of the vocals is definitely what gives it that extra creepy edge.
KMADD said:
Dude you should be disembowled if you think Kataklysm is overated.

I like Kataklysm a lot, but I can see why people don't like them. I have heard the most recent three, and except for the newest one, which is great, the singer's high pitched scream was overused and not very good. In the newest one, he toned that down and really created a catchy death metal album, without sound gothenburgy.