Most overrated bands?

Every fan of this band defends them in the same way, if it wasn't so annoying it would be comical. Pop production, ripped off power metal riffing, vocals like a 5 year old's temper tantrum, cheesy keys, silly lyrics about eroticism and vampires. This is CoF.
Dreamlord said:
some more IMO:

Morbid Angel
Gorguts (mainly Obscura)
The Gathering
I really fail to see how Burzum and Cynic is overrated.Since Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is one of the finest albums in Black metal's History.Yes alot of people praise Burzum.But not even half of them really know what Burzum is all about.Read his lyrics and try to understand Varg himself and the listen to his music.
I don't give a fuck what Burzum "is all about". His music sucks IMO, and yet people will praise him to no end. Not to mention everyone always claiming that "Det Som Engang Var" is the finest black metal song ever. pfffftttt.........

If you fail to see how Cynic is overrated, then I'm sorry for you. Nary a person will ever say anything negative about Cynic because they are held in such high regard. The really didn't invent anything in death metal like everyone claims except crappy-ass transformer vocals which didn't work at all.
Maybe your taste suck ?
You act very childish..I know that you enjoy bands like Falkenbach and Summoning.Still you dislike Burzum in a desperate way to get attention.
This is a dumbass thread. It seems most people who don't like a band consider them over-rated. And it also seems some of these people dont know what in the fuck over-rated means at all. How is Iron Maiden over-rated? How is Slayer over-rated? How is Morbid Angel over-rated? I agree that some albums from certain bands can be over hyped and become over-rated. But how do some of these bands such as the ones I mentioned become over-rated when they are the bar to which others are measured, when they are the blueprint to which otheres follow and build upon?
Demiurge said:
Every fan of this band defends them in the same way, if it wasn't so annoying it would be comical. Pop production, ripped off power metal riffing, vocals like a 5 year old's temper tantrum, cheesy keys, silly lyrics about eroticism and vampires. This is CoF.

what makes a production pop?
What are the 5 years old temper tantrum vocals like?

I also disagree in Emperor being overrated..... you must be on drugs

my list:

Avgrund said:
Maybe your taste suck ?
You act very childish..I know that you enjoy bands like Falkenbach and Summoning.Still you dislike Burzum in a desperate way to get attention.

Maybe my tastes do suck? But what are you comparing my tastes to? Someone's tastes that don't suck? And how exactly do you measure that?

Childish? How exactly? By defending my point?

Dislike Burzum in a desperate way to get attention? How is that? I merely stated some bands I felt were overrated. That is the point of this thread, you know. I could care less if people pay attention or not, to be honest.
Dreamlord said:
Maybe my tastes do suck? But what are you comparing my tastes to? Someone's tastes that don't suck? And how exactly do you measure that?

Childish? How exactly? By defending my point?

Dislike Burzum in a desperate way to get attention? How is that? I merely stated some bands I felt were overrated. That is the point of this thread, you know. I could care less if people pay attention or not, to be honest.
What are you comparing Burzum with since he suck ?
The childish behavior is that you allways disagree just cause you want to be different from the mass.How can you hate burzum but worship clones of him?
Avgrund said:
What are you comparing Burzum with since he suck ?
The childish behavior is that you allways disagree just cause you want to be different from the mass.How can you hate burzum but worship clones of him?

I'm not comparing Burzum to anything. I simply don't enjoy his music. It's really that simple. I tried to like it, but found it incredibly dull. It's nothing against his rabid fans. I just don't like his music.

So speaking your mind is childish behavior? Ask anyone, I have always disliked Burzum. It's not like I just said this simply to get a rise out of someone. If having an opinion of your own is chilish, then I'm a child.

Please enlighten me what clones you are talking about.
You have albums of Woodtemple and Xasthur dont you?Both are good bands but very inspired by burzum..
I have Woodtemple's album. Given, I haven't listened to it very much, but I would say Woodtemple is more inspired by Graveland than Burzum.

I've never heard Xasthur
The only song I can take for more than five minutes by Burzum is Det Som En Gang Var. Varg has this fucking thing with repetition that drives me insane...I mean, MDB is repetitious, but I love them. This is repetition because it's a one-man-band and he has no one to bounce ideas off of.

For this reason, this is why I think the trance and techno DJs aren't that great, because you aren't involving anyone else for their fact, you're usually ripping off samples from other people.
thrashmetal78 said:
The only song I can take for more than five minutes by Burzum is Det Som En Gang Var. Varg has this fucking thing with repetition that drives me insane...I mean, MDB is repetitious, but I love them. This is repetition because it's a one-man-band and he has no one to bounce ideas off of.

For this reason, this is why I think the trance and techno DJs aren't that great, because you aren't involving anyone else for their fact, you're usually ripping off samples from other people.

I think it is supposed to repeat itself over and over. That's Burzums "trademark"... and to me it creates a hypnotic fealing that is just great and then there are some soft guitars in between that fills the whole expierience... hard to explain, but Varg is almost a musical genious to me
varg does write a lot of hypnotic guitars, but thats the point, not to be super technical or whatever, he was one guy doing all that, you have to give him a little credit for creating some really creepy songs like feeble screams from forests unknown and ea,lord of the depths, along with just great songs like my journey to the stars and black spell of destruction