Most overrated bands?

oh boy time to get started on this....
Cradle of Filth
Van Halen
Pink Floyd
The Beatles
Faith No More, Tomahawk... you get the idea there
Cannibal Corpse
.... and my list goes on for a while i'll just leave it at that(keep in mind I just think these bands are overrated, I'm not saying that they don't make good music)
Not Mr Bungle. No fucking way. Mr Bungle is his best band and one of the 10 best bands ever. They are awesome.

Fantomas kicks enormous loads of ass as well. I'm not a huge fan of Tomahawk's albums, but they slaughter live. Patton = god.
Naw, actually I wanted the most overrated bands of all time. It doesn't matter what genre. Maybe this was they wrong place to post this then?
i dont know, they just seem overrated to me, every1 praises their first few albums so much that when i got around to listening i really wasnt that impressed, i guess at the time they came about it was something extraordinary, i never really saw them as part of the "peaceville three" i always saw it as katatonia,anathema, and my dying bride, two of which being my fav. and i would gladly choose anathema(new or old) over paradise lost
LuminousAether said:
How are Dimmu Borgir overrated? Almost everyone hates them!

Same with Cradle of Filth.

Dimmu Borgir are one of the most UNDERRATED bands in metal, not overrated.

I'd have to disagree here. Both bands have huge followings. Hell, just look at all the threads praising Dimmu's latest album like it's the best thing since the invention of the condom.

CoF has gone platinum on one of their albums. I'd hardly call that underrated.

For every hater of Dimmu, there are 5 loyal followers. They simply keep there mouths shut.
I fail to see how My Dying Bride are overrated. I'm not a big fan of Turn Loose the Swans, but The Angel and the Dark River or The Dreadful Hours....just amazing.
I won't argue with that. Hell, "The Insight and the Catharsis" is one of the best black metal songs ever written. Also, the third song on EDT is very good. Some of Stormblast is good as well. They just have too much filler for my blood.