Who's The Most Overrated Metal Band

Fear Factory
Black Sabbath
Ozzy Osbourne
Killswitch Engage
Hatebreed...(fucking boring shit)
In Flames..(yes even the old stuff they made)
Children of Bodom...(i only like a couple songs...the rest of there stuff is blah to me..)
You know, i have to second the In Flames mention. Dark Tranquillity has always been the best, in my opinion. In Flames has just always been more accessible. Not to mention repetitive...throw trendy onto that...oh, and that Anders can't sing?? Just try and explain to me what that horrid whining is on Cloud Connected...
Rhapsody, that thing is so utterly plastic and boring. Gee, I love metal, and I like power metal a lot, but Rhapsody sucks!
Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquillity (I like only Projector, in my opnion it's a masterpiece), Cradle of Filth, Rhapsody, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden.