Mirror's Edge


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
I rather enjoyed it. One of those rare games that I actually loved for the vibe more than the gameplay or storyline. It just seemed really fresh, and I loved the look of the city. It's cool to see a first person game that isnt a FPS. Getting shot at all the time kinda sucked though. Soundtrack was A+.

Anybody know of any other "vibey" games that can pull you in with just their style? Obviously great gameplay and storylines can draw you in but sometimes its just the atmosphere that hooks you and makes you want to revisit it.

Edit: I'm not saying Mirror's Edge didnt have good gameplay or a good storyline, just that to me they seemed secondary to the actual feel of the game, though I do realize they were a contributing factor to the overall experience.
Which platform?

Any platform, really. Could be past games, too. I remember an old PS1 RPG that had a cool vibe but I can never remember the name of it. For the record the 360 is my current beast.

I totally need to try Bioshock. I've been wanting that for a while but my cheap ass has a tendency to try to wait till games are $30 or less, haha.
Wait a sec, Marcus, I know you can be quite the grammar enforcer at times, so you've got me questioning myself a bit right now. Have I been wrongly saying "To a lesser extenT" all my life, or did you make a typing boo boo?

Umm...yes, of course, you were wrong all along, n00b, how dare you question me?! :heh:

Just kidding, ya got me :goggly: :blush:
Mirror's Edge is a fantastic game, I beat it 5 times and enjoyed the single playthrough.

The get I get the greatest vibe from is Mass Effect. I love the universe, music, story, gameplay, and pretty much everything about it. I'm highly anticipating the sequel.
That Penumbra game reminds me a bit of Myst series, which I can't believe I forgot about. Riven was especially cool for me.

I see that Best Buy has bioshock for $29. I'm ordering it as soon as I get paid!
Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy (XBOX, PS2, PC)

This game was fucking awesome. Can't wait for Heavy Rain.

But I didn't like Mirrors Edge at all, sorry haha :erk:. I didn't like the story, and I found the gameplay repetitive a lot. And damn, I think I never found a game so frustrating hahaha, don't remember how many times I died by missing my jump. And I found the game really short too, which was more positive than negative for me because I got bored really quickly.
Mirror's Edge just seemed pretty incomplete/half-baked to me.

You know how there's like two "visions" of the whole Orwellian 1984 thing? Either pristine and shiny as fuck or dark and dirty. Mirror's Edge didn't do anything new with the setting for a start. Maybe I've just seen a few too many OMG TEH GOVERNMENTS OHNOES kinda movies.
The story itself was half baked as fuck. Nothing REALLY happens. The gameplay was cool once you got the hang of it, but the first run through awkward at best. People can slag off the latest Prince of Persia game for being too easy all they want, but it kept the FLOW going, which you'd think took precedent over everything else in a fucking free-running game.
Very immersive though, I'll give 'em that, and I love the feel of the game. Once I got on a roll, it became a 10/10 game until I failed a jump, at which point I just got taken out of the experience.
Great ideas, good intentions let down by silly mistakes. :S