Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I just beat Dark Souls. Solid game. Gonna go back through it again to get some of the items. Right now I'm playing Skyrim despite it being super casual and broken, it's a lot of fun.
Did anyone get Dark Souls? RiA, Climb Thar?

I can hardly believe it but I quickly became addicted to Demon's Souls, beat it, and now have a level 89 Soldier. The problem is, I waited so long for the price to go down on this game that nobody plays it anymore. So going through on harder difficulties is, well, made all the more difficult by not having anybody to co-op with. Plus, there are no black phantoms around to keep things interesting. So anyway, been thinking about picking up Dark Souls while people are still playing it.

But if I'm not waiting for the price to reach $20 like I usually do, I want to know if it's good.

Dark Souls is very good. But when compared with Demon's Souls, it's a sort of one step forward two steps back deal.

It's a somewhat open world, so you can traverse to any locale. The only way to know if you're going the right direction is if you're not having your ass handed to you in an instant. It's way more grind heavy than Demon's Souls was as well, which I wasn't digging.

Initially, the online part of the game was broken (and thus causing me to put the game on the backburner). A patch was released recently that made the co-op and invasions more plentiful as well as the typical weapon/armor buffs and nerfs.
I ordered it just a little while back and I've been cruising through it. I don't know if it's that's much easier than Demon's Souls or I've just gotten better but I miss the challenge.

Also, every time I reverse hollowing in order to get some help it doesn't work. If I do find somebody willing to co-op, the summoning invariably fails and then I always very quickly get invaded and slaughtered. And if the invader is always equal to your level or lower, then why do they always have all kinds of crazy items I haven't seen yet and end up one hitting me?

Anyway, I'm still having fun with it. Up next, time to kill the Gaping Dragon. Doesn't that sound like some horrible, new sex act?
Did you download the patch? That's supposed to help with the co-op.

The level difference for the online segment is supposed to be about 10% of your level. And it's possible to grab good gear and level it up without actually leveling your character up that much. A lot of people make suicide runs to grab gear.

What level are you? I'm game for some co-op, as I haven't touched that game in about a month.
How did anyone have the patience with Dark Souls. There is difficult and there is ridiculous nonsense. They could have at least made an easier setting so casual gamers could enjoy the visuals and story beyond just the first 30 minutes. All that effort they put into a game and its only for a sliver of a hard core audience.

Not sure about open world games. Elder Scrolls IV and Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption can have you wandering aimlessly. Why did Red Dead Redemption get such good reviews, when there isn't really a specific plot.

I have Arkham Asylum ready to go, otherwise give me Uncharted and God of War trilogy any day. Otherwise old school like 1st Res Evil, Chrono Trigger/Cross, and Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy.
my girlfriend gave me xenoblade chronicles for christ-mass, and her parents gave us the new zelda

and those were the only two newer video games i really wanted to play

Not sure about open world games. Elder Scrolls IV and Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption can have you wandering aimlessly. Why did Red Dead Redemption get such good reviews, when there isn't really a specific plot.
been playing a lot of fallout: new vegas lately. the aimless wandering IS the game, pretty much. if you don't like exploration for exploration's sake, bethesda games just aren't for you i guess!

JayKeeley said:
There is difficult and there is ridiculous nonsense. [...] Manic Miner

We got a Wii. It kinda sucks. I had to do a double take at the back of the console to make sure there wasn't an HD connection. No HD? eh?
And spending $200 or whatever it was to play the exact same game I played 25 years ago (Super Mario Brothers) is making me feel like an ass.
Are there good games for this system?
first, the lols:

lol, you got a wii expecting hd graphics

lol, you got a nintendo console expecting to play something other than super mario (and zelda)

lol, you spent $200 on a wii in 2011

then, the good games: super mario galaxy, super mario galaxy 2, zelda twilight princess, zelda skyward sword, xenoblade chronicles, metroid prime trilogy, donkey kong country returns

also world of goo is awesome from the wii download store thing (and fluidity/hydroventure looks really great but i havent gotten around to buying that)

then, an apt quote from earlier:
me said:
if you like brown games about shooting brown people with guns, then ps3. if you like colorful games about rescuing princesses and doing fun stuff then wii.
Skyrim may be the worst putrid pile of overhyped rubbish I ever played. First the acting is beyond atrocious. Kevin Sorbo in the Amazing Adventures of Hercules had more captivated story telling. Secondly, several times in the first five minutes the xbox froze for intervals of 10 secs. This game is apparently buggy as hell on consoles. Last and more paramount, the combat system is a fucking joke in the year 2012. One slash motion with your sword, and a powermove which I never even tried. Holy hell Batman (going to go play Arkham City) is this a slap in the face of nerds worldwide. Who the fuck can play this shit for more than an hour? Go play a real RPG like SuidokenI & II, FFVII, Wild Arms 1 & 2, FFTactics, Shining Force III, et al. Especially with ME3 right down the road, this is just a slap in the face of people who are cool!
finished fallout: new vegas, now starting fallout 3* (IN WHAT LITTLE SPARE TIME I HAVE DEEZ DAYZ)

dare i say it? yes, i'll say it: these newfangled 3d fallouts shit all over fallout 1 & 2

love em

* i found a mod that replaces the radroaches with a much less disgusting creature