Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

360 died less than one month after the warranty expired and they wouldn't do anything about it (RRoD). I fixed it myself and it died again some months later. No more 360s for me.
bet you I can change your mind ...


+ you get a $50 Amazon credit
Hmm...:lol: I'd have to do some research to know if the Red Ring of Death bullshit was ever addressed.
hahaha, wtf is that? is that an online game?

no it's a PC/Xbox game but its ancestor Meat Boy was a flash game, which you can play here.

It's probably the best compromise ever between the following components:

- primitive gameplay (jump and run)
- fun as hell + addictive
- hard and then harder and then hardcore and then fucking impossible but you can't ever let go because admitting you'll never beat a level is worse for your self-esteem than losing your job and girlfriend in the span of 2 hours.
i think the biggest waste of time / life are video games. the internet at least has "some" redeeming qualities.
but playing video games for half a day at a time?


Everything in life can be considered a waste of time, do whatever makes you happy. I've gamed more this year than any other year in my adult life. I used to think just like you Lurchy poo until I looked at it as a hobby. I watch 0 television, and get all my personal matters done, so what else is there to do with that time? I'm not going to volunteer down at the local soup kitchen. Euthanize the homeless, filthy fucks.
i think the biggest waste of time / life are video games. the internet at least has "some" redeeming qualities.
but playing video games for half a day at a time?


tell me aurel, do you ever watch television? because that! is the biggest waste of time.

What console will be making the Wii obsolete the moment I buy it?
wii u

it's got hd graphics and a pretty fancy tablet controller
Same could be said about video games, what was the last one you played, Galaga? Times have evolved Lurch.

I think the last game i was heavily involved in was Outrun on the Sega System.

I honestly have ZERO patience for video games. they frustrate me like cheap bras.
Not much to's truth. The end.

I looked into this Wii U thing....doesn't come out until 2012 :erk:
I think the last game i was heavily involved in was Outrun on the Sega System.
people who play video games 14 hours a day and justify it by saying it improves their intellect/reflexes/social skills can get the hell out, but i assure you, as long as you're playing something a little more complex than outrun or galaga then your brain does get to do some work and also it's very fun (if it's a fun game (super mario galaxy 2))
people who play video games 14 hours a day and justify it by saying it improves their intellect/reflexes/social skills can get the

Whoever feels the need to justify an activity in which they are partaking in, needs to cut back on said activity. Therefore the only justification I have for anything in life is, "I like it, fuck off." I find going to car shows to be a complete waste of time and energy, but if one gets his rocks off on snapshots of Volkswagen Mini's <3, what can be said other than "cool, whatever floats your boat." With that being said, gaming is a far better tension reducer than watching television. If I had a stressful day, a television show isn't engaging enough to take my mind off of what is bothering me at the time. The mind drifts, where as if I were playing a game, compartmentalizing is much easier to achieve.
Did anyone get Dark Souls? RiA, Climb Thar?

I can hardly believe it but I quickly became addicted to Demon's Souls, beat it, and now have a level 89 Soldier. The problem is, I waited so long for the price to go down on this game that nobody plays it anymore. So going through on harder difficulties is, well, made all the more difficult by not having anybody to co-op with. Plus, there are no black phantoms around to keep things interesting. So anyway, been thinking about picking up Dark Souls while people are still playing it.

But if I'm not waiting for the price to reach $20 like I usually do, I want to know if it's good.