Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
Is there an official thread? I couldn't find one. Surely there's some other video game geeks here aside from me.
Anyway, "Black" for XBox:
Graphics: 8.5/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Storyline: 6/10 decent, didn't do anything special for me
Depth: 7/10
Physics: 11/10 AMAZING

I also recently played "Gun" which was pretty cool:
Graphics: 7.5/10
Gameplay: 7/10 pretty original stuff but some controls annoying to execute
Storyline: 8/10 original game
Depth: 5/10
Physics: 7.5/10 good but nothing special here

I can recommend both of these games, but "Black" just rules everything right now. Only thing it's missing is the potential for nostalgia (a la "Goldeneye"). I can't see myself playing it in 5-10 years. Post your recs here; I'll rent them from Gameznflix.
XBox. And I have a N64 that I'm too lazy to buy old games for. I'd like to play some original Nintendo games. I heard you can dl an emulator or some shit. What is that exactly?
Oh, and by physics, I mean the propensity for stuff to happen as it would in a real, physical environment. I've seen it used in geek magazines, so I thought I could pilfer it. The physics in Black are just incredible. I don't know how these guys make such phenomenal games. The XBox is a relatively small computer.
i used to play a lot of video games when i was a kid, but they just bore the shit out of me now. Unless it is a sports game, I get all addicted and stay up 47 hours straight playing them fuckers. Nothing beats you and your buds smoking bowl after bowl playing Madden...oh, and Tekken!! College memories.

Honestly though, if I started playing a good RPG, Id prob get hooked for like 3 weeks, then stop playing it for a few days and forget all about it. I guess it kinda falls in line with my personailty.
I have a general-gaming-idea. How about people stop bitching about modern gaming and only playing oldschool games without giving modern shit a try.

"Waaaaaaaaahhhhh if its not 8bit its gay waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh." Yes the oldschool rules, but the newschool has its share of ruling as well.
Yeah, I played Black as much as possible (read: just up to the point of seizures) for three days after it came in the mail. Same with Gun. Same with Evil Dead: Regeneration. Now I'll go weeks without turning the Xbox on until someone recommends me another game
Just in general its anoying how a lot of people will just disregard all modern gaming as a whole, only playing oldschool stuff.
Are you drunk, Tully?