Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Just in general its anoying how a lot of people will just disregard all modern gaming as a whole, only playing oldschool stuff.
yea i dunno, for me, and i think this goes for many people, i'm just not into newer games as much cuz the old games are simpler and i'm not a big gamer so i just like stuff i know how to play and can pick up for half an hour here and there

i wouldn't criticize new games though, some innovative shit is going on in the industry and i'm always amazed to see games also = WIN!

one of those horrible "oh no" video game moments, on nhl2004 a couple years ago i created a whole bunch of custom players and made so many deals and trades playing through an entire season and playoffs on expert level or whatever and after like game 4 of the stanley cup final i accidentally saved over it :waah:
hahaha @ Matt. I've done that shit so many times, man. As soon as I get the most recent game, I have to fix all the rosters that they've fucked up.
But I disagree that hockey games = WIN. The last one I played that had a legitimate fight engine was NHL 1990. It was actually just called NHL hockey, didn't even have the date. You could fight after the whistle blew and multiple fights would go on at the same time. Now, you're limited to fucking 3 a game and it's always everyone but the guys who actually fight in real life.

edit: haha super-nerd moment: I was so convinced that NHL 1993 was cheating that I videotaped a game. Sure enough, a shot by Pierre Turgeon went in the goal, paused, and went back out. I had the tape up until a few years ago. It was one of my finer moments.
meh, i've long since given up on having a good fighting engine in a hockey game...i just like em cuz they're good for just hanging out/avoiding studies, that and i tend to be better than most of my friends at them :p
uh smoke pot...lots of pot. and play guitar. and occasionally show up to class.

no i keed, at least about the last part. had a 3.45 gpa this past semester, 2 A-'s and a B :kickass: and none of those classes were pushovers
well, to give you some idea, i have about 200 pages of new material to cover between now and friday morning for a final plus about 106 pages to read for a quiz that afternoon. Then I cram my brains out all weekend for a skills exam monday morning, and for 2 more finals later than weekend. While doing regular classes in the other class, whose final is on friday of next week, but we're covering new material right up through wednesday (including new/more reading).
The problem with new stuff is that once you can afford to buy it its old, so its really not my fault I mostly just play oldschool games. (Also, there is alot more games coming out so its hard to find the really really good ones)

Fable is the newest game I have for my xbox but I haven't played it 'cause I always end up playing Super Mario World instead.
dorian gray said:
Oh, and by physics, I mean the propensity for stuff to happen as it would in a real, physical environment.
you know today i thought

you know how if you drop a koopa shell between two pipes, it bounces endlessly between them

what if you built some sort of generator to harness the infinite koopa shell bouncing power, you could probably solve the mushroom kingdom's energy crisis right there (assuming they have one)
Just in general its anoying how a lot of people will just disregard all modern gaming as a whole, only playing oldschool stuff.
i like when games are "old school" in the sense that they 1) rely more on fun gameplay than graphics and/or shock value 2) innovate and come up with new interesting ideas instead of rehashing last year's fps/football/beat'em'up game with better graphcis

so i like "old school" game play regardless of whether it's on the nes or has fancy graphics on a 64 bit console

that make sense to you

(in practice, this means that ms and sony can go fuck themselves because nintendo>alles)
@Johanna: Maybe I should rent Fable, then? Never heard of it actually.

@Erik: I heard that Nintendo DS is largely a piece of crap. What's good about it? Just wondering, I don't know anyone who has it.