Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

I playing through FFIV for the first time in like 12 years. You know what? It still kicks my dick in. Also the PSX re-release has all the swear words stupid Nintendo censored for the original release.
I'm thinking of purchasing a Ps2 Slimline model. I currently have a V7 and the thing is running like a Pinto. Everytime I use my swap magic discs for a japanese game swap it says disc error. So I can either go with a 249 jap model, or a 129 slimline, w/ 7 bucks going towards the purchase of ghost clips. Yup.
That is a SNES, right? My SNES doesn't look like that, the actual unit itself I mean. The controller pads are the same though. They must have released different versions in different regions. I assume that's American.

Mine didn't have a naked woman attatched to it either :(
Yeah that is the American version. Euro PAL versions and Japanese NTSC versions look the same (better) and the American version for some reason is boxy and ugly and doesn't have proper colours on the controller buttons