Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Just in general its anoying how a lot of people will just disregard all modern gaming as a whole, only playing oldschool stuff.
I agree 100% with you Tully, but it seems to only happen on RC, people I know enjoy the new stuff.

So, some gaming reviews? Here goes one:

Rome: Total War

Graphics: 8/10, but considering there are 6000 person on a single battlefield, you can't go into fully detailed graphics or your comp will explode
Gameplay: 10/10, you conquer cities, make big ass fights, assault cities with siege towers, rams, catapult, sap points, planify your attacks, assassinate generals of opposing factions, force them to surrender cities. Great gameplay
Sound: 9/10, nothing bad about the sound, you just wish more dialogues would have been recorded
Story: 10/10 well, you have to conquer the World then come back to conquer Rome and kick the ass of the Senate, hard to be more metal than that?
Multiplayer: Never tried it, but I heard it only involves battles and no strategie map, so 5/10
Replay value: 10/10 You have 3 ways to create the Roman Empire and then, you can choose any barbarian faction you want, pretty neat huh?
Rome: Total War does indeed rule. I just wish the campaign and battle A.I. was better.

I have very high hopes for Medieval 2: Total War.

Edit: Have you ever beaten that one historical battle in the desert? I forget the name. You play as some Romans and have little but basic infantry with maybe two cav units. The enemy is totally cav with a bunch of horse archers. Fuck that is hard. I wish you could save replays from those battles. I've only beaten it once on the normal difficulty and it was only barely.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Rome: Total War does indeed rule. I just wish the campaign and battle A.I. was better.

I have very high hopes for Medieval 2: Total War.

Edit: Have you ever beaten that one historical battle in the desert? I forget the name. You play as some Romans and have little but basic infantry with maybe two cav units. The enemy is totally cav with a bunch of horse archers. Fuck that is hard. I wish you could save replays from those battles. I've only beaten it once on the normal difficulty and it was only barely.
yeah I know which battle you're talking about, I only watched the video for the beginning of the battle but then I had to stop to do something else. It looked pretty intense though. Like in that battle, I chose the Brutii to do the campaign but I noticed it's probably one of the hardest because of the greeks and their pretty amazing military organization.

Btw, you know what pisses me off in this game? I had the unit size set to huge, but because my computer can't handle too many units at the same time, I, or the enemy, never get reinforcements, which kinda fucks up some battles, especially when you want to quickly capture a city by forcing the garrisoning army to reinforce another army. Anyway... I'll beat the game with units size set to huge, then I'll do the Barbarian Invasion campaign with units size set to large, which should allow reinforcements to come, I hope. Still, this fucks up the gameplay in an annoying way.
I was looking into the F.E.A.R. expansion not long ago and found this hilarious video of a guy playing F.E.A.R., Doom 3, and Half Life 2 and screaming he's so scared.


I'm also pretty pumped about M2:TW coming out next month. The demo should be out pretty soon as well. I can't wait to assassinate the Pope.

And Asmodee, I don't know if you're stilling playing any Total War but that thing where you aren't getting reinforcements during a battle has nothing to do with unit sizes. If you attack with another unit stack nearby and they have a general you can allow the A.I. to come in and and control it or to just send in one unit card at a time as yours are lost if you don't want the idiot A.I. to get themselves slaughtered.
Doom 3 got me a few times, especially when I played it in an unlit room. I tried playing HL 2 on PC and had too many seizures.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I was looking into the F.E.A.R. expansion not long ago and found this hilarious video of a guy playing F.E.A.R., Doom 3, and Half Life 2 and screaming he's so scared.


I'm also pretty pumped about M2:TW coming out next month. The demo should be out pretty soon as well. I can't wait to assassinate the Pope.

And Asmodee, I don't know if you're stilling playing any Total War but that thing where you aren't getting reinforcements during a battle has nothing to do with unit sizes. If you attack with another unit stack nearby and they have a general you can allow the A.I. to come in and and control it or to just send in one unit card at a time as yours are lost if you don't want the idiot A.I. to get themselves slaughtered.

nah even if the units are stacked they won't come in, I get a message that they got lost on the way and won't make it to the battlefield in time. I asked on the game forum and I got told it's because my computer can't handle all the units and the game decides that getting reinforcements would make the gameplay so slower that it won't let me have em.
btw, who saw the South Park episode about World of Warcraft? Ahah, it's pretty interesting how they made fun of people playing that game.
ahahahaha, fuck yeah. I just found out the title to one of my favorite games ever as a child. BIBLE ADVENTURESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111. Shit fucking rules. Old NES game, I'm looking into buying a new system and copy of this so I can play it again.

It's a 3 in 1 dealy with Noah's Ark (the best of the three), David and Goliath and Baby Moses. I mostly remember playing Noah's Ark because it's the most metal game I've ever played. You get to control Noah and you run around various environments throwing objects at critters and climbing trees and carrying around tigers. OMGOMGOMG I fucking loved this game as a wee lad. You go around collecting toucans and dodging the fruit throwing monkey and chucking cows on their head and you get health by reading the bible, yusssssssss!1111111.

I don't remember the others so well, but you get eaten by lions a lot in david and goliath while you try to hurl sheep into a pen and you get to throw moses all over egypt in the other one. dude, I MUST purchase this again, holy fuck.:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:


How good is it Rensei?!?! Does it much up to VII?!? :flame:

What can I say, the game is breathtaking. I'm 25 hours-ish into it. The world is set in Ivalice (same world as Final Fantasy Tactics). It's massive, very massive...even by Final Fantasy standard. The game has a very strong medieval feel to it, as opposed to FFVII for exemple. So far, the game focus is much more on the gameplay than the story. The battle system is my favorite. No turn-based and no random encounter this time around. Graphic-wise, the game is simply astonishing*. Definitely the best looking PS2 game as far as I'm concerned. Oh and it's much harder than any other Final Fantasy I played (VI, VII, VIII, IX and X).


I just got back from playing the PS3. My friend only bought Resistance and Genji. Resistance looked cool if you like console FPSs. Since I hate them I only watched him play a little of the single and multiplayer portions.

I played Genji for a while and the graphics look better than I thought they would. Sadly, the gameplay isn't any improvement over the first iteration of the game. The camera is shit and the game feels very slow (even with the faster characters) if you've ever played Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden.

The best thing was the demo of Motorstorm. I got a huge kick out of it. I loved the truck, the handling, the physics, the graphics, etc. I had slightly less fun racing on the motorcycle but it was still a blast. It's even fun to steer it with the sixaxis motion function. I'll still probably prefer to use the analog stick, however.