Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Thanatopsis, the youtube vid doesn't work. says you must visit the page :/

if i were going to get a console, which i haven't owned one in years, i would probably go with the Wii too. if only Nintendo carried more mature titles then it would be a total win, they have gotten better over the years though. plus you wouldn't always have to be squatting on your couch/chair/floor while playing it. if i could afford all 3 i'd do that as well but meh, would be spending way too much money between all of them. i suppose i'll just stick with PC gaming.
Oh, then just click the vid again and it'll take you straight to the page. The game is Metal Warriors. It fucking ruled.

And if I were to get a console it would be PS3. It'll be graphically on par with the 360, I'm more interested in it's exclusive titles (Heavenly Sword, DMC4, Motorstorm, etc), you won't have to buy a bunch of extra hardware for it down the line, they'll continue to improve backwards compatibility, it has Blu-ray, and it's controller is as good as that for the Wii. I just don't see the point in the other two consoles if Sony continues to get the third party support they have in the past.
ah ok, didn't know you could click again. i never played that :/ looked kinda fun. PS usually does have some really good exclusive titles. multi-platform games can be a bit watered down though on any system. the Blu-Ray is a huge gamble which might work in their favor. just depends on how resistant people are to switching over and what it costs. i dunno... it doesn't even really matter to me since i'm not getting any of the three. :D hopefully whatever all of you choose, you end up being satisfied with it.
I don't know a damned thing about how they work. I just know that IGN said it has the same function. I've also seen a good few places saying they're disappointed with how the Wii controller is working as of yet (in that it kind of lags behind). The PS3 sixaxis function seemed to work very well in my experience in the Motorstorm demo on the other hand.
The accelerometers let both of them sense acceleration and tilt. The infrared lets the Wii controller sense orientation and position relative to the screen, so it gets a bit more information about what you're doing with it. I've heard mixed things about both of them so far, but I'm sure it'll take time for the developers to figure out how to really use them well. Oh yeah, Wii has rumble in its controller too, something the PS3 no longer has.
Do you guys ever dream about the games you have been playing a lot? I just woke up from dreaming about Neverwinter Nights.
ugh man i hate that because when i do it's usually like i'm caught in a loop playing the same part over and over. drives me crazy and wakes me up :(
ugh man i hate that because when i do it's usually like i'm caught in a loop playing the same part over and over. drives me crazy and wakes me up :(

That's exactly what happened to me! I have been trying to figure some of the commands in the game, and figure everything out. When I fell asleep, I was in a loop off these weird screens over and over trying to figure how to keep on playing, but I'd do something, like wake up, go back into it, and I'd be back exactly where I started. I was so stressed out about it. Fucking hell.
Say, didn't the XBOX360 have similar issues? What's up with companies putting out an unfinished product? They just get away with doing that?
I must join in the Final Fantasy XII love... at first I thought it wasn't going to be too good, but I bought it friday and have done pretty much nothing since purchasing it.

Amazing game.
Ive never played a FF type game until i played LOTR the third age. While simpler I still enjoyed it immensely. Im playing through a thrid franchise season on Madden 07 on Gamecube, im still loving this little box.