Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

Skyrim looks cool but I saw a video with one of the developers who said basically "Look, this shit is going to be buggy as fuck. You want a big, open world that doesn't fuck up all the time? Tough shit, nerds."

I'm paraphrasing there. Kind of.
Bethesda has never released a game that wasn't buggy, just varying degrees of playable. This isn't news.
Diablo III is coming out "soon". Battlefield 3 is coming out in October. Mass Effect 3 is coming out in the near future.

Witcher 3 was announced.
i bought morrowind with all the expansions and patches several years after it came out and it was playable and not buggy to any significant extent

this is what you gotta do, just stay a couple years behind the curve (this is good advice when buying anything vaguely techy)
dead island is pretty good. standard zombie shit going on, but overall i believe that this game is way better than Left for Dead or Dead Rising (which I think is awful anyway). it has the correct combination of RPG and action elements. there's nothing deep or even serious about dead island, but i played it for a couple of hours this morning and I am slowly being sucked back in... it's that kind of game. unlike L4D or other first person shooters, you won't beat this campaign in a couple of days. there are quests and missions ALL over the place, resulting in the potential for quite a lengthy experience.

gamespot gave it 7/10 and i would maybe bump it up to 7.5/10. main complaint is the lack of LOCAL CO-OP. nobody is putting this into games anymore, and it's pissing me off quite a bit. it seems like something that would be extremely easy to program into a game. who gives a fuck if it contradicts the story? what happened to two or three friends getting together to play co-op games? now you have to play with some retarded teenagers on X-Box live or do a system link with your friends. not cool

looking forward to:

battlefield 3
new CoD
gears 3

damn.. we need some new concepts
I'm strongly debating picking up Dark Souls. The concept of being invaded by other players is what's luring me the most. This would replace Skyrim, which I have since lost all interest in.
I have Demon Souls and I can't play it because I feel like throwing the controller across the fucking room when trying to use it. Annoys me because it actually seems like a good game.

Well, I got Demon's Souls and Red Dead Redemption. Demon's Souls started to drive me crazy about the 30th fucking time I tried and failed to beat the second fucking level. So I'm giving it a break and playing through RDR. Damn this game is fun. It really feels like I'm in a classic Western movie.

Fucking Demon's Souls.