Gamers, what are your decisions?

Bringing Down the Sky? It's awesome, I love how they really stepped it up with new voice acting, character models, and even a new indoor environment (which the other side quests were really lacking in! :erk: ) Apparently Bioware is WELL aware of the weakness of the sidequests, and I see "Bringing Down the Sky" as the first attempt to remedy that!
hehe yeah..I like the game, too. But I just downloaded the Mass Effect download content for the xbox360. This game is awesome! I´m looking forward to play this quest. Didyou play it ?

Yup, and it was worth every MS point I've spent on it.

Bringing Down the Sky? It's awesome, I love how they really stepped it up with new voice acting, character models, and even a new indoor environment (which the other side quests were really lacking in! :erk: ) Apparently Bioware is WELL aware of the weakness of the sidequests, and I see "Bringing Down the Sky" as the first attempt to remedy that!

I read in an interview that Mass Effect 2 will have "richer" side quests that tie in with the main quest. Something Mass Effect was deprived of but were still fun. Although that whole story with Cerberus was kind of deep but still very irrelevant.

I hope Mass Effect 2 goes more of the route BioWare took with KOTOR. More character development. For example, I love how in KOTOR the gameplay can get interrupted because the two crew members you decided to have in your party would strike a conversation. Or the game would let you know that one of your party members seems worried and it would probably be a good idea to talk to him/her. Of course you don't have to though, that's the beauty of an RPG. Unlike Mass Effect, where most of the character progression happened on the Normandy.
I really enjoyed Kotor 1, Half-Life2, and Fable:Lost Chapters.

So you guys say Mass Effect, Kotor2, and Fallout3 are all great and along the same genre? I might have to pick one up.......or all.
Hahaha, well Bioshock only has "moral choice" in the sense that you can choose between Mother Theresa or baby eating :lol: Thank you Yahtzee for that gem
Hahaha, well Bioshock only has "moral choice" in the sense that you can choose between Mother Theresa or baby eating :lol: Thank you Yahtzee for that gem

werd. bioshock was shite.
they really played on the "moral choices" in the promo vids and such, but it's basically nonexistant in the game. supposedly you were supposed to feel tension or something considering how much you modify yourself further and further from being a pure human with the genetic mods.
bioshock was just a shooter, all people calling it the best game ever didn't play a great shooter with a great story like half life 2.
shoot shoot... and shoot again... and shoot better..... then shoot again
combo shoot
shoot better
aduken shoot
oh ryu ken shoot
just shoot em sucker

besides this it had a great environment, being in a city underwater was amazing

p.s. I forgot this:

The atmosphere of Bioshock was just amazing. Something about it just wound up being the best mix of hilarious and creepy I've dealt with in quite some time.

Oh yeah, make no mistake, I think Bioshock as a whole was overrated and the ending was infuriatingly horrible and unfulfilling, but MY GOD, the art design and atmosphere, I've truly never played a game as breathtakingly engineered visually as that, what a masterpiece. You KNOW they must've hired some dudes with serious architecture/design chops to come up with all that art-deco stuff, what a feast for the eyes...
Ugghh, I would, I'm so sick of it - it looks good, but also very identifiable, and the inherent texture pop-in (especially in Mass Effect MY GOOD GOD) is maddening - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (granted, on PS3) is still the greatest looking console game I've ever played (including MGS4), and it uses its own engine!
well halflife didn't have the creepy atmosphere, it was a scifi game it had at least that 1984 atmosphere that I liked so much!
Yeah they claim they have the state of the art engine, but sometimes it's not so great (for example look at left4dead), besides of course lights and other great effects I didn't see in any other games.
well halflife didn't have the creepy atmosphere, it was a scifi game it had at least that 1984 atmosphere that I liked so much!
Yeah they claim they have the state of the art engine, but sometimes it's not so great (for example look at left4dead), besides of course lights and other great effects I didn't see in any other games.

I don't think Valve really has ever claimed to have a state of the art engine. Maybe back when Half Life 2 came out. But they've really stressed performance in everything after that.

That said, Half Life 2 itself performed VERY well considering the visuals were top notch at the time.
I really enjoyed Kotor 1, Half-Life2, and Fable:Lost Chapters.

So you guys say Mass Effect, Kotor2, and Fallout3 are all great and along the same genre? I might have to pick one up.......or all.

KOTOR 2 is great. Mass Effect is a bad KOTOR spin-off and Fallout 3 is painfully average.

KOTOR 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 1 & 2 and Planescape: Torment is where it's at. Also Arcanum if you can get into the setting. I'm one of the few Fallout fans who for some reason doesn't like it though.
I don't think Valve really has ever claimed to have a state of the art engine. Maybe back when Half Life 2 came out. But they've really stressed performance in everything after that.

That said, Half Life 2 itself performed VERY well considering the visuals were top notch at the time.

Actually they're really proud of their engine, they sell it and they sell it pretty well... not as much as the one of unreal of course.