Greetings from the shit state ohio!

Martin in Fenworth said:
Can I get some opinions please on wether the spraygun at the link below would be suitable for spraying water based is available for about fifty dollars at a local hardware store.
How would the overspray be? My budget is a little tight at the moment and I have a number of cabinets and bookcases to finish before my execution.


First off, your not to bright it seems. I have a high priced Italian gun and a Porter Cable PSH1 HVLP. The Porter Cable cost about $100. 3 damn years ago for christ's sake. In my opinion the Porter Cable works as well as the Italian gun, plain & simple. I also bought the next larger size needle/nozzle($35) for waterborne. I tried a cheap one once and took it back along with a verbal thrashing to the incompetent teenager that sold it to me. (Gave her somthing to think about on the way home from work.)

As I have said in a previous post, you won't be happy with a cheap gun. Use your head here. That goes for the material you spray as well. I've found that for me the pro products from Sherwin williams, Becker Acroma, M.L. Campbell etc. give great results and cost no more than consumer finishes.