its thrasherdave's emo buddy. used to rock one hell of a emo fringe lol

Do you want to go fuck yourself in the arse or would rather prefer Lar Ulrich's Danish cunt you little prick? Or would you rather me remove your head and insert it up your fucking arsehole?

Face it, Metallica are shit, go listen to some proper metal and go hang yourself somewhere away from society
So is Greg, I was on the phone to him when he typed that :lol:

Seriously though, vMETALLICAv has an annoying habit of going out of his way to invoke backlash. Such relentless trolling is frowned upon.
Do you want to go fuck yourself in the arse or would rather prefer Lar Ulrich's Danish cunt you little prick? Or would you rather me remove your head and insert it up your fucking arsehole?

Face it, Metallica are shit, go listen to some proper metal and go hang yourself somewhere away from society

Do I sense...... hostility? Don't be mad emo kid! You need a hug!
See, the only problem with this forum are Oceltot, vMETALLICAv and Keenan because you all go out of your way to piss people off. There're a few people on here, myself included, who are gettign so pissed off about your endless streams of crap that we would't come here anymore if it didn't provide so much entertainment.

Voicing an opinion is fine if you give valid (read: truthful) reasoning. Generally calling something shit is just stupid.
I share an opinion, I don't go out of my way to piss you off. If I piss you off, that's your fault for taking it personal.

Edit: When was the last time I said something was "shit?"
arguing on forums = pointless. who bloody cares, if someone says something you dont agree with tell them you dont agree with them, dont shit the bed, then find something you can talk about constructively instead of being forum children.

evile only have 10 fans, we dont need them to all fall out, where would we be then???
Do you want to go fuck yourself in the arse or would rather prefer Lar Ulrich's Danish cunt you little prick? Or would you rather me remove your head and insert it up your fucking arsehole?

Face it, Metallica are shit, go listen to some proper metal and go hang yourself somewhere away from society

no need for immature rants an personal attacks like that. i only jokingly mocked your fringe you had fuck sake
One thing you need to bear in mind here, calling me or Greg emo - even jokingly - is probably one of the most offensive things you could ever say to us. Seriously.

And besides, that post of his was a joke... latch on buddy