Grimnyr - The Plague

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Anybody even heard of this band? They play mid-paced BM which totally kicks ass. Beholding The Daughters of Firmament must be one of the best songs all year. I can find absolutely nothing on this band, nevermind where I can fucking buy the release. ?????????????????????

I came across it by chance.o_O
Do any of these titles sound familiar? lol

1) Ancients
3) Axiom
4) Fronorblast
5) Realm of The Craben Sons

The riff in that Burzum song is fucking genius. It probably clicked w/ me right away like that because my subconcious picked up on the fact that it has heard it before. *shrug*
Erik said:
Yes. COMPLETE AND UTTER WINNER. I was anxious that they would rape a song that is so fucking perfect as it is, and while RB's version doesn't top the original, it sure as hell works very well as DOOOOOOOOOM. I love the touch of BM vocals near the end.
Indeed. I can't fucking wait any longer for the re-release of In The Rectory w/ the added new disc to come in. It should be any day now as Chris from Hellride said it went out 2 days ago.

Try dl that Grimnyr if you can. It's worth checking out anyway. Great atmosphere throughout.
omfg someone send me that cover.

and yes, erik, that is probably one of the stand-out tracks on T3h gallery. I'm going to meet Dark Tranquillity on April 30th, I'll show all of you!!!!!
I would be shocked off my ass if they played it, or anything from Skydancer, of Chaos, and The Gallery (except for punish my heaven) live. It's pretty much gonna be their "Live Damage" set with Character stuff involved. I am... way too excited.

edit : i just had a vision of DT playing "Of Chaos and Eternal Nights" live.... I would probably need a new pair of pants after the middle section.
Conversation between Niklas and Mikael after seeing our screenshot

N : Hm... do you want to learn "Of Chaos and Eternal Nights" for the shows?
M : Not really.
N : Okay.

Yeah, thats something like how it would go.
hahahahaha yeah... its great to watch "Live Damage" to see him standing there twidling his thumbs during 60% of the set.
Last time I saw them play the keyboard player got quite drunk before the gig. When I asked him how he could play while drunk he said it was all in his muscular memory, hehe.