I do like grind, but I'm more into the related genres of grind, such as deathgrind, goregrind, etc. Bands of this genre tend to be VERY good listens if you just want some good ol' action, and killer riffs. Here are some of my favourite bands from grind and related genres:
Cattle Decapitation
Negligent Collateral Collapse ("Reprocess Segment Database" is machine-like, hyper-fast grind with very guttural vocals)
Devourment (deathgrind)
Catasexual Urge Motivation
Gorerotted (deathgrind-ish)
Gorgasm (ditto)
Squash Bowels
The County Medical Examiners (killer Carcass-worship, featuring three doctors in medical fields, one of them being over 60 years old)
I also like borderline bands that is quite similar to deathgrind but is more deathy than grind-ish, such as Exhumed, Brodequin, Liturgy, Disgorge (US), Inveracity, Skinless, Lord Gore, etc. etc.