Growling with Argon?

Black Tears

Still in the Dark
Sep 27, 2003
You know how inhaling helium makes one's voice higher? Well, inhaling Argon has the opposite effect, it makes one's voice very deep and weird. (And since the gas is more dense, it stays in one's lungs longer, therefore the effect lasts much longer than Helium's). In physics class we are studying sound and such and we watched a movie today in which someone inhaled Argon and sounded crazy. And I started thinking, what if someone was to inhale some Argon before laying down some death metal vocal tracks...

Does anyone have access to Argon gas? Theres a container on eBay right now, I'm considering buying it and experimenting with some growls :tickled:
Stormrider1981 said:
I doubt it's healthy for you to inhale either helium or argon.
Its a noble gas so its non-reactive. And Argon's effect lasts much longer than Helium's so not many inhaling is needed (and it is safe to inhale noble gasses as long as you don't go overboard. Deep sea divers bring helium tanks with their oxygen tanks to help them float better.)

Straight helium or argon for a while though will deprive the brain of oxygen, which is unsafe. If I did anything, I wouldn't be unsafe about it.
Non-reactive doesn't mean safe to breathe. Xenon and Krypton are both anaesthetics, which could cause you to pass out and suffocate. Radon is an alpha emitter and a known carcinogen even when it is outside your body.

Argon does seem to be relatively safe to breathe in small amounts. Common lightbulbs are filled with Argon, but I expect it would be impractical to take a 'hit' off of one. If you are intent on doing this, you should try a welding supply company. They could sell you a tank of argon gas that you could fill a balloon with (don't breathe it from the tank as it will be very cold coming out).

We want links to sound files if you do it.

Make sure you know what mix you are getting, some welding mixes are part CO2, which would be bad.