oddentity said:
I've heard a few complaints from people about the disjointed, aimless nature of Ghost Reveries. I can understand where they are coming from. In many ways, this is their most disjointed release since Morningrise. After the very cohesive works of Still life, Blackwater Park and Deliverance, the band has suddenly gone all "random" again with Ghost Reveries.
I'm wondering, though, whether this is a deliberate attempt on Mike's part to reflect the theme of a ghost engaging in reveries. You can imagine that a ghost contemplating its past would be a very stream-of-consciousness affair. I wonder if the album has been designed to convey this through the eclectic nature of the compositions.
Any thoughts?
dis·joint·ed adj.1. Separated at the joints.
2. Out of joint; dislocated.
3. Lacking order or coherence: disjointed sentences.
con·tem·plate v. con·tem·plat·ed,
v.tr. 1. To look at attentively and thoughtfully. See Synonyms at
http://www.tfd.com/seesee 1.
2. To consider carefully and at length; meditate on or ponder: contemplated the problem from all sides; contemplated the mystery of God.
3. To have in mind as an intention or possibility:
con·vey tr.v. con·veyed,
con·veys 1. To take or carry from one place to another; transport.
2. To serve as a medium of transmission for; transmit: wires that convey electricity.
3. To communicate or make known; impart: "a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension" Saki.
4. Law To transfer ownership of or title to.
5. Archaic To steal.
e·clec·tic adj.1. Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles: an eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy.
2. Made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources: "a popular bar patronized by an eclectic collection of artists, writers, secretaries and aging soldiers on reserve duty" Curtis Wilkie.
So far some explanation for readers whose native language isn't english (like mine). Regarding your post: I agree with Jean Reno. It's definitly not disjointed and even less 'aimless'! It's clear that this is another concept album.
And honestly I still don't really get where you want to go with that post, Oddentity