Guess new Dream Theater drummer-win a prize.

I'm surprised they aren't releasing a dvd and a 3cd set filmed and recorded at the auditions, with bonus behind the scenes footage. (Oh wait, all of it is "behind the scenes" footage.)

:lol: For the unbelievably low price of only $49.95! For a mere $30 more, you could purchase the signed limited edition Collector's Set (only 5000 issued) with the mystery drummer's signature! (To be delivered three weeks following the announcement.)
Agreed. Ironically, this note came to me via the mailing list that I have been on for at least seven years. Issue #142 from Jan/2004 is the oldest one I seem to still have in my email, anyway. I don't have Facebook so for all I know they are asking people to sign up for this very same list, but if it's a separate list that makes it all the more ridiculous.
Ok, if you're on "THE LIST" you know what your job is, don't you?
Holy shit can James LaBrie look any more gay with that haircut? Seriously?!?! He looks like Donald Trump's gay brother.
Agreed 100%.

I really hope this is tongue-in-cheek. I have never seen anything more arrogant and cheesy in my life!

Unfortunately it isn't. Say what you will about Portnoy but if he was still in the band and let's just say one of the other band members had left and had to have been replaced, this circus wouldn't be going on. I say this with Dream Theater being my 3rd favorite band but I have to...FUCK DREAM THEATER!!!!!
Say what you will about Portnoy but if he was still in the band and let's just say one of the other band members had left and had to have been replaced, this circus wouldn't be going on.

Considering how much of a attention hog Portnoy is, the circus would be 7 fold.