Guess new Dream Theater drummer-win a prize.

Yeah I think it's exploded into such a big thing, it wouldn't surprise me if they got higher spots on Eurofests like Download because of it.
If you love them like you said, you'd know that their fanbase (and I mean the thousands of fanboys) care about every fucking thing that happens with that band.... Every lame and obnoxious supergroup they're in, every parallel project, every bit of news, every friggin' fart they let out. I'm sorry Matt, but to say that people really don't give a fuck who it is sounds a bit naive to me..

i guess i should say i USED to love them. i haven't listened to their newer albums don't ever care too. Train Of Thought was the end for me.

but back to my point - i guess it was wishful thinking on my part that DT fans would expect more from their "idols" and get sick of the games their band plays, because like we all seem to agree here this alleged "suspense" has gone on far too long and only arrogant "rock stars" enjoy keeping their fans on the hook rather than just letting them truly celebrate what is to be a "new era" for the band.

i don't care who it is, and when it's announced it won't phase me into checking out their new material because none of it will be better than When Dream & Day Unite to me. ;) hahaha.

also, i am the last person to be perceived as naive as i am the one pretty much telling everyone to their face how it is. not on this board completely because we "know it all" on here, but in my every day business dealings.
i don't care who it is, and when it's announced it won't phase me into checking out their new material because none of it will be better than When Dream & Day Unite to me. ;) hahaha.

I seem to recall you saying that them getting a new drummer is the best thing to happen to them in years and that it possibly would bring you back in as a fan. The comment you just made up above makes you sound a bit hypocritical. So I guess, which is it? Or is it that you're just sick of the waiting game here, which is making you less enthusiastic about it?
like i said they take themselves way too seriously and actually THINK that people give a f*ck who it is and that it's going to have to affect on their fan base or career trajectory. i will say it again, announce the drummer already so we can all move on and stop reading stupid news articles on everything BUT what everyone seems to be concerned with. hahaha. i love them, but they are so lame sometimes.

Damn this is kinda spewy lol. Just to let you know James just said in an interview that the reason they cant announce it is because of legal stuff. Some speculate MP is trying to take the name Dream Theater but most think it is because of contract stuff. Unless they are lying they want to announce it and can't yet.

Also 90 percent it's Mangini I have a friend who heard it from Into Eternitys drummer that he was chosen.
Just in on blabbermouth;

"Despite rumors to the contrary, BLABBERMOUTH.NET has learned that 40-year-old international drumming sensation Marco Minnemann (KREATOR, NECROPHAGIST) **has NOT** joined DREAM THEATER as the replacement for the recently departed Mike Portnoy."

No other explanation was given.
I think they reconciled with Mike

Highly unlikely especially considering Portnoy was in the studio for the last 10 days or so with Neal Morse, Steve Morse, Dave LaRue, et al. He's been posting pics and daily updates on his forum. DT has also been in the studio since the beginning of the year and there's no way Portnoy would not be there.
I seem to recall you saying that them getting a new drummer is the best thing to happen to them in years and that it possibly would bring you back in as a fan. The comment you just made up above makes you sound a bit hypocritical. So I guess, which is it? Or is it that you're just sick of the waiting game here, which is making you less enthusiastic about it?

i do recall saying that that is was the best thing the band has done, and at that time i may have also said that it might bring me back around, but not now. if it is contractual and they cannot announce for that reason, say it. otherwise, to me it looks like bait on a hook they are dragging through the water. that to me is disrespectful to fans.
i do recall saying that that is was the best thing the band has done, and at that time i may have also said that it might bring me back around, but not now. if it is contractual and they cannot announce for that reason, say it. otherwise, to me it looks like bait on a hook they are dragging through the water. that to me is disrespectful to fans.

I agree. If they cannot disclose anything for legal reasons, just say so and I think the fans will be patient. Otherwise, this just looks bad and is creating too much speculation.
The following was posted by James LaBrie on Twitter:
"Extenuating circumstances prevail with maintaining the drummer's secrecy. Once revealed it will have been worth the wait and understood. ;-)"

Saw that. Could that mean that they reconciled with Portnoy and expect everyone to be happy that he's returned? I would expect the band to want to continue without personnel changes if at all possible and that this would be the preferred outcome (in their view) by the fans.

BUT.....given other comments in various forums, I think many want someone NEW to both re-energize the band and bring back fans who felt they'd gotten stale. Count me in this group.
I'm at the point now where I'll be disappointed if it's Portnoy returning. I still see it as a very real possibility, but if it IS the case, they should just say it and keep moving forward. With the long period of silence, it needs to be someone new or it'll be plain anticlimactic.
The following was posted by James LaBrie on Twitter:
"Extenuating circumstances prevail with maintaining the drummer's secrecy. Once revealed it will have been worth the wait and understood. ;-)"

Conclusions based on this:

The new drummer has not finalized work VISAs for the US (hence "extenuating circumsatances"), but has no problems in the UK or Europe. This suggests the drummer is European in origin.

Of the 5 finalists (Mangini, Minneman, Thomas Lang, and 2 others) only Austrian ubermonster Thomas Lang is European.

Therefore, logic suggests Lang is the drummer. Watch this space.

The Portnoy question - - he may return . . but not in this upcoming album cycle.
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After being told off by DT's lawyers, and not even the band themselves, Portnoy won't be coming back....if ever. As for the drummer, I heard they were going for a younger audience. So, DT's new drummer is one of James Labrie's countrymen......wait for it......JUSTIN BIEBER!:lol::lol::lol: