Sea of Tranquility
Why not? What is it about Jarzombek's personality that wouldn't fit with Dream Theater.Jarzombek is a great drummer but he doesn't have the right personality IMO.
Why not? What is it about Jarzombek's personality that wouldn't fit with Dream Theater.Jarzombek is a great drummer but he doesn't have the right personality IMO.
Why not? What is it about Jarzombek's personality that wouldn't fit with Dream Theater.
Not saying they need someone as outspoken as Portnoy, but I feel that someone who has a little more of an outgoing personality would counterbalance well with the other members.
I won't argue with that point, but it also seems really unlikely that the new drummer would become the spokesperson for the band in the way MP had been, so another quiet reserved musician wouldn't necessarily be a problem. Perhaps after 20 years the band is ready to work with a quiet reserved drummer?
Mike Mangini is my first guess due to his ties with the band, although I don't prefer his drumming style. Actually hope it's not him. He bores me.
Aquiles Priester would be a great fit, and would be my personal choice to tell the "world". Maybe they are working on Visa issues before announcing? As I saw someone else say, no one would even know the difference except that the drumming would be better.
Bobby Jarzombek's my favorite drummer, but I just don't see that happening for some reason.
Jason Rullo, I'd actually not even thought of that, but could be a could fit.
John Macaluso, NY guy, good fit stylistically.
Chris Quirarte, not a bad guess.
Mark Zonder, amazing drummer, too esoteric for this band though.
I have also been reluctant to post here about this whole situation. I however have a different perspective about this than most. I grew up and still live in Long Island and Dream Theater is extremely well known here. I have been a fan since before any albums of theirs were made. My keyboard player that I used to play with took lessons with Kevin Moore before I&W came out.
I don't really care who the new drummer is; let me tell you why.
With the state of the music scene these days, I am just happy that Dream Theater will continue at all. The fact that they still will be making music and touring is a testament to how they really still want to create music. Times have changed and it is extremely difficult to do anything in genre staying afloat. So I remember I&W and the music scene and smile becuase regardless of who the drummer is, I know they will continue to MAKE MUSIC. So will Portnoy, its in his blood. I will also continue to support both DT & Portnoy becuase I just love the music they create. Period.
I haven't ever heard about Priester yet,, have to check out.
Jarzombek looks like the best option in all areas (cool look and breathtaking/active playing style).
He is an absolute beast on the drumset, but I just don't see this happening. While they have a number of metallic tunes, I've just always pictured Bobby more of a metal guy and I honestly don't see him wanting to join DT. It would be awesome, don't get me wrong, but I would be shocked if he actually joined.
I don't know for sure if he still tour's with Rob, but for the last years he's been also Fates drummer, and as far as I understood he is recording new album with Fates right now.. and after that should be a tour too.. he seems to be busy with other things indeed. I will be ''positively'' shocked as well if he is the new DT drummer!![]()
I'm trying to refresh my memory as to where I read this but I believe Jarzombek said he didn't even audition for DT because he was on tour with Sebastian Bach in South America or Europe or something lol. Just that he wasn't available at the time they held auditions.