Guess new Dream Theater drummer-win a prize.

NDV is the same case as Gavin Harrison. Fully capable. Exceptional, even. But already too busy with current projects.

I don't know...Spock's has been a part-time project for a while now. It seems that NDV will jump behind the kit for anyone who asks him in recent years (Fates, Agents of Mercy/Karmakanic, Big Big Train, Tears for Fears, etc.), so it honestly wouldn't shock me to see him join DT to finally have a major full-time gig. And as Portnoy showed, drumming for DT certainly doesn't preclude you from doing other projects.
Guys all admirable choices but I think they will be looking for someone who has similar feel to Portnoy not just technique. Most of the choices so far have been power drummers who are technically brilliant but IMO lack feel. Of those mentioned so far Virgil would be on the short list but I think way too technical. My tip would be a European, either Truls Hagen (Circus Maximus), or young Jochim Strom Eklund (Aspera).
Well, it looks like someone leaked an audition video of one of the drummers who suditioned for Dream Theater. Charlie Zeleny of Blotted Science.
Somewhat old news from

According to LaBrie, the caliber of candidates that were lined up to audition for DREAM THEATER was second to none. "There's seven drummers that [were scheduled to try out for the band], and out of those seven, we will definitely have our drummer," he said. "They're all world-class drummers. I can't tell you who — I'd love to tell you, but I can't. I can't divulge or disclose that information. Not at this point. It's too sensitive at this point."

Regarding how the drummer auditions went, LaBrie said, "[The auditions] were phenomenal. I mean, it was something, obviously, unprecedented for this band, and it is for most bands, but it was just a really unique and very surreal experience for us. But I can't really comment on it any further than that other than that we're moving forward and everything is very positive. And that's about it. It's really touchy as to what we can really talk about in that area right now."
Well, it looks like someone leaked an audition video of one of the drummers who suditioned for Dream Theater. Charlie Zeleny of Blotted Science.

Update from Charlie:

"Wow, I really appreciate all the love with the comments on the DREAM THEATER videos but everyone seems to be misinterpreting what I've been saying. I just got wind of the audition tunes and put them up myself on my YouTube for everyone to see. DREAM THEATER saw them but I was not asked down to audition live.

"I wish whoever gets the drum chair in DREAM THEATER the best of luck and have a good idea of who it is. I personally don't think I am a drummer who is big enough or popular enough to fill the shoes of a drumming legend like Mike Portnoy. But I really appreciate all the support and love everyone has been giving me. I definitely have a busy New Year to try to keep anyone who has checked me out on the DREAM THEATER scene into things I do and hope to continue to make music and videos people like. Thanks everyone!""
Update from Charlie:

"Wow, I really appreciate all the love with the comments on the DREAM THEATER videos but everyone seems to be misinterpreting what I've been saying. I just got wind of the audition tunes and put them up myself on my YouTube for everyone to see. DREAM THEATER saw them but I was not asked down to audition live.

"I wish whoever gets the drum chair in DREAM THEATER the best of luck and have a good idea of who it is. I personally don't think I am a drummer who is big enough or popular enough to fill the shoes of a drumming legend like Mike Portnoy. But I really appreciate all the support and love everyone has been giving me. I definitely have a busy New Year to try to keep anyone who has checked me out on the DREAM THEATER scene into things I do and hope to continue to make music and videos people like. Thanks everyone!""

Oh Well, Blabbermouth strikes again
I just thought of a new candidate. Jeremy Colson. He's in Steve Vai's band and also used to be in the very DT cloney Dali's Dilemma. He has great technique and a huge personality. The more I think about it the more it fits.
Seems theres a rumor going around on the Dream Theater forum that the candidates included Marco Minneman and Peter Wildoer. The catch is Wildoer has admitted in an interview that he did not audition. Other names bandied about: Donati, Lang, and Mangini.

But it really pokes all kinds of holes in the rumor coming straight from the source about Wildoer. *throws up arms*
Seems theres a rumor going around on the Dream Theater forum that the candidates included Marco Minneman and Peter Wildoer. The catch is Wildoer has admitted in an interview that he did not audition. Other names bandied about: Donati, Lang, and Mangini.

But it really pokes all kinds of holes in the rumor coming straight from the source about Wildoer. *throws up arms*

He may have been on the short list, but if he was the guy in LaBrie's band with visa problems and DT decided that they didn't want to deal with that, they may have canceled his audition.