Guess That Song!


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
This is just for fun.

The person who guesses the band and the song correctly wins the knowledge that they know of some non-gay bands and songs. If you can only get the band, good enough I guess. You have at least one testicle.

Mithras - Trample Their Works (Henrik Main)

7 Angels 7 Plagues - A Farewell to a Perfect Score (no one)

Soulburn - Hymn of the Forsaken (Doomwatcher)

Pan.Thy.Monium - Track 2 (Carbonized)

Hypocrisy - Apocalypse (One Inch Man)

I hope there isn't a name on the yousendit link that gives it away, because this could be fun if everyone joins in and provides some of their own songs. And if you know a way to find out without actually listening to the song, don't ruin it for everyone else. Thanks.
First one has got to be Nile, but I've never heard the song which means it's brand new or pre-Nephren-Ka. Or not Nile at all. :dopey:

Second is lolcore. Third don't know. Fourth don't know but dig it.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I know the fifth one: Hypocrisy - Apocalypse. :headbang:
1) Don't know. Sounds very familiar, but I can't quite get it.

2) Damn! I know this one . . . I think. Can't get it either, though.

3) Has to be Obituary, but I don't know the song.

4) Not sure on this one. A home recording possibly? Not bad for your first time. Just kidding . . . I don't know the band, though. Actually, I'd like to know who this is.

5) Don't know this one either. Pretty good, though.

Did I win?
3 is definetelly NOT Obituary .. and have no idea who it is

listening to the rest
yea that does sound like John Tardy in a way on that one track.

track #4 to d/l (i think that's the one) is Pan.Thy.Monium - Track 2 (because i don't recall there being actual song titles for this album)
Carbonized said:
track #4 to d/l (i think that's the one) is Pan.Thy.Monium - Track 2 (because i don't recall there being actual song titles for this album)

Nailed it.

PS - that is not Obituary, but the band members have been playing death metal for about as long as Obituary
1 is Land of confusion by Genisis
2 is I wear my sunglasses at night by Corey hart
3 is Take on Me this version doe by Reel Big Fish
4 is Material girl by madonna
5 is def. Blue Monday by new order

geeze this was easy give us something harder
Nah definitely not Dismember i would say. The vocals are too different and the sound is too clean heh. Gorguts sprang to mind but i never payed them much attention (i know, shame on me) so i have no clue. I think i would have picked something from Khaooohs for Pan.Thy.Monium though if i uploaded a song from them:D

I wouldn't mind trying my hand at uploading some tracks, maybe i will later once all of these have been identified if someone doesn't beat me to it first. :)
yeah, I thought about pciking something from Dream 2, but the one I picked is my favorite from them. plus, I didn't want to make these too hard.

I'm kinda surprised no one has named the the band on the first sample. If I named the band, a lot of people would instantly recognize the sound.

No one will get track 2. It's from a classic, but simply from a wrong genre.

Track 3, just go for old school death metal connections
Track 3 is unmistakably Asphyx (or is it Soulburn?). Yet the vocals aren’t that of neither Martin Van Drunen nor Theo Loomans. Would it be from the band’s last album, On The Wings of Inferno?
Nice game, I'm preparing one of my own that will be launched either when this one is done or when I'm done uploading the files depending on how patient I am
The first one doesn't sound like Nile at all. It's death metal, but I don't recognize this at all. Embarassing. Not a very good track, though. The solos sort of remind me of Nocturnus or Mithras.

The first minute of the second song sort of reminds me of Buried Alive, Integrity, 25 Ta Life and other typical hardcore bands that could very well be signed to Victory Records. Don't know this song, though.

Don't know the third either, although it does sound a little familiar :\
Doomwatcher said:
Track 3 is unmistakably Asphyx (or is it Soulburn?). Yet the vocals aren’t that of neither Martin Van Drunen nor Theo Loomans. Would it be from the band’s last album, On The Wings of Inferno?

Yay! It is SOulburn, which is simply all the Asphyx members under that moniker. "Hymn of the Forsaken" I believe it is called.
Henrik Main said:
The first one doesn't sound like Nile at all. It's death metal, but I don't recognize this at all. Embarassing. Not a very good track, though. The solos sort of remind me of Nocturnus or Mithras.

Mithras, yeah. It's "Trample Their Works" from their first album, Forever Advancing...Legions

The first minute of the second song sort of reminds me of Buried Alive, Integrity, 25 Ta Life and other typical hardcore bands that could very well be signed to Victory Records. Don't know this song, though.

Good guesses, but no. The second track is "A Farewell to a Perfect Score" from 7 Angels 7 Plagues.

Now someone else can continue the game, if interested.
J. said:
Now someone else can continue the game, if interested.
I already did, ahr har. I plan on making another one with a slightly different musical selection (as on other genres) if people stop hating the one I already made