"Guess the Riff" Game

In my vocabulary, you mean the sound, not the tone :p

Tone is something you can't really achieve with effects imo.

Oh, but Gilmour's tone is unachievable anyway!

I like to think of the tone as two different parts, one being the amp/pedals/guitar, the other being the pick you use, your picking attack and muting. Alot of people only rely on the first one, which makes it suck no matter how awesome gear they have.
bump :mad: Oh yeah I learnt that bit buy ear so if it sounds a little wrong then thats why xD
Well I'll record something later. My RR isn't playable atm.

Today, I removed the strings, bridge, pickup and then replaced the pickup with a Jackson J-50 BC and restrung with 10's instead 9's. It took a while because I had to file away the pickup cavity for the J50BC to actually fit into it. Then, I had to file away the pickup ring to fit over the pickup because the one I have on my BCRich is longer than the Jackson one so the screw holes were in the wrong place so I couldn't use it. When I took the bridge off, I also turned the posts so I don't know how high the bridge was so I'm basically having to set it up from scratch. Nearly done.
Well I'm playing it now but it's just out of tune. It doesn't sound like Alexi because I have the gain boost off otherwise it gives me this horrible hum if I have it on, I'm not sure why.