Guillermo pissed of Dave Mustaine... lawlz

I have to admit it.. i would get pissed of as hell hearing something like that at an event like that.
Not that i would push him though, i would probably do something like Marcus.. i would have just rolled my eyes and made a comment about the guys maturity.
Dave Mustaines reaction is uncool! I think at least, I´d laugh about it, but what next? I watched the video a couple of times, trying to put myself in the´s not easy to react without staying there as an idiot :lol:
I get called it often at work off kids and sometimes even their parents, I can't say/do anything in that situation so outside of work...its payback time! :D
The problem is, he is ridiculed in front of many people and what man likes to hear that he looks like a lady? So what is the masterplan to save this situation without staying there as an idiot in front of all those laughing people? :lol:
I'd have asked how did he manage to jump the border with his weight.

No offense to any mexicans or hispanic people, I'm not exactly hispanic but I'm portuguese so it's cool it's cool :D