Guillermo pissed of Dave Mustaine... lawlz

Am I the only one that thinks Mustaine is just playing up for the occasion? I think he's putting on a hyperbolic "metal icon" image for effect, I don't think for a second he was genuinely pissed. You can see he had a smirk on his face at one point. I'm pretty sure he's just playing along?
Hey guys, question. How would you react, if you´d be in his situation? :D

grow a beard, or precaution: always have a beard :D
so she can be called "The Beard Lady" and the townpeople can hunt it down screaming "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!" ;)

no srsly, uncool reaction that was...he doesnt look like a "lady" to me anyway

but a cool reaction would have been to give the guy a BIG WET KISS and steal his breakfast out of his stomache with his tongue. or at least it would have been a different reaction that the guy would have expected.

as you may can tell, the anti cold medicin I'm taking has quite a bit of effect on me :tickled:
He's old sql...he can't take a joke... That's like saying to an old italian guy that he likes to lick pussy...he'll mess u up! :D
He should have put the ball in dudes court by fucking give him a big sloppy smooch. That would throw him off a bit and might get Dave some good press in the process.

That is exactly what I thought when I watched it. I would have grabbed his ass too.
honestly dave didn't seem annoyed. I think his reaction was more of a joke. Idk... I didn't take it the wrong way. I would be pissed of too tho if some mexican came up and gave me a flower just cuz I had long hair. That would be like me pulling up next to him in my truck and asking him to hop in to help work on my patio deck just because he was mexican. :lol:
Lol its simply a joke guys..

Gullermo is part of the jimmy kimmel Show... his a funny dude.