WTF happened to Dave Mustaine?

Anyone who actually thinks the US gov't was responsible for 9/11 and planned it out as an excuse to go to war with Iraq is giving way too much credit to the gov't and the Bush administration in particular. Could it have been prevented? Probably. Do we want excuses to re-map the Middle East? Definitely - we've been trying since 1954. That's completely different than "the US carried out a terrorist attack on it's own soil."

Nailed it on the head there. Saying they were entirely responsible is indeed giving the Bush administration way too much credit. What actual solid facts that we do have is there where warning signs a little over a year before, I remember hearing the subject a number of times about a possible terrorist attack (not sure how long it was prior when they called it a terrorist attack). The administration had some idea who was going to be involved. Up until 9/11 the Bush administration acted like they where on vacation, Bush spent a large amount of time on "vacation" than he did actually being a president.

The overall theory was, indeed they wanted a reason to re-map the middle east, had intelligence that an attack was going to happen and let it happen and then went screaming to the public, "hur durh they are goin' to attack us on 'murican' soil, we need to go to war with theym". Throw in the good argument of "humanitarian" reasons, shows videos of "al qaeda' beating women who show their faces in public and it gets people behind the idea of going to war.

As time went on it went from humanitarian reasons and bringing democracy to the middle east to, we need to protect our nation from enemies, more or less trying to scare people into the idea that they could die in a "terrorist" attack at any moment if we are not occupying the middle east and snuffing out enemy nations.

Could the bush administation have a hand to some degree in the attacks, it "could" be possible. Since the 9/11 commission was so secretive and never gave a direct answer, it has some people left with some questions. The more responsible thing to do would be to (like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich have been trying to do), is to have more than one third party reinvestigate with all the evidence submitted forefront and take their findings to the supreme court. If it holds the same story that we were told, then the conspiracy theorists need to shut the hell up and get over it, if evidence says some officials were involved, then convict them of war crimes and treason.
Anyone who actually thinks the US gov't was responsible for 9/11 and planned it out as an excuse to go to war with Iraq is giving way too much credit to the gov't and the Bush administration in particular. Could it have been prevented? Probably. Do we want excuses to re-map the Middle East? Definitely - we've been trying since 1954. That's completely different than "the US carried out a terrorist attack on it's own soil."

It’s not exactly the same but the difference is minimal. It’s like if you see a guy walking down the street and you know he’s going to kill an innocent person, yet you don’t stop him. That’s nearly as bad as pulling the trigger yourself (albeit a lot easier to do probably, I’ll give you that).
He's always been kind of a conspiracy nut. In interviews in the 80s and 90s, I remember reading about him talking about the CIA inventing crack cocaine and distributing it in the inner cities of the USA.

don't know that they invented it, but the CIA definitely sold coke to the cryps, and used the profits to buy weaponry for illegal wars in central america

the cryps then cut the coke into crack, and used the money to buy guns to kill other poor black people
He's entitled to his opinion if you ask me, however odd or crazy it may appear to be.

Definitely doesn't take from my enjoyment of his music.
It’s not exactly the same but the difference is minimal. It’s like if you see a guy walking down the street and you know he’s going to kill an innocent person, yet you don’t stop him. That’s nearly as bad as pulling the trigger yourself (albeit a lot easier to do probably, I’ll give you that).
I think you are misreading Jeff's post. Most people don't think the US government had full confirmed intelligence of dates, perpetrators and targets ahead of time. Knowing about a possible threat and knowing of a plan in motion are very different things. It's pretty easy to look at what was known in hindsight and apply more sinister motives than poor judgement.
Haha lol wrong 100% there buddy. That's published fact.

Please provide liks to said published fact. And clarify what you mean by: "the government had been waiting eagerly for a major attack for a decade prior, it's accepted fact."

If you mean that they were on alert because attacks had been threatened, you're right. If you mean they were sitting in their bathrooms wringing their hands hoping thousands of Americans would be blown up so they could start their nefarioous plans for domination, then I'm thinking the last two words of your forum nickname are scarily accurate.....
I hate conspiracy theories and to a lesser extent their exponents for one simple reason:

They hideously discredit sensible scepticism of government and big business.

Same reason I dislike hippies, alternative medicine guys, a lot of environmental acitivsts, many hardline feminists etc......
By being utterly ridiculous and terrible at basic logic, they maintain a status quo of 2 battling sides getting nowhere instead of taking intelligent steps towards a better world.

TLDR: Fuck you mustaine.
I don't get why so much time is wasted by Americans talking about guns being possibly banned. Imagine, the government would have to take guns from everyone's house, do you realize how difficult that would be? It makes no sense, it is not going to happen. It's just a hot issue that always gets brought up during elections. We're too busy talking about guns and not busy enough talking about educating our kids.

As for Mustaine's comments, well he seems to be the Ted Nugent of the metal scene. Too bad really, he is an amazing musician, but a lot of people that are really talented at something end up being a bit weird socially or have weird ideas. It's probably getting worse with age too. I know my Dad (who's in his 50's now) says some pretty off-the-wall dumb shit once in a while that I know he would never say two decades ago.
I hate conspiracy theories and to a lesser extent their exponents for one simple reason:

They hideously discredit sensible scepticism of government and big business

Indeed. Which makes every criticism of government and corporations (the modern day Church-and-State), however rational it may be, become labeled ''nutjob conspiracy''.

It's the boiling frog metaphor.
The soft tyranny continues, one turn at a time..