Austrian Blech Machine
Ehhh... I dunno about the neglecting children part. Kids love fucked up shit. I watched a dude get his spinal column ripped out in Predator when I was 6 or 7. My mum sat next to me the entire time, explaining how they did the various blood effects and what not.
I've turned out mostly fine.![]()
Same for me, no problem with that. Letting the TV handle the kids all day on their own is what I think can start a problem, that as Mutant seems to think most of the people have.
That's were you got it backwards, I don't think that these type of movie are made to show the cool side of firearms. If they are, then at least the message doesn't get to me, nor anyone I every watched a movie of that kind with.Of course not at all.
As i already said many times here, it is about their real participation in projects that show the cool side of firearms, not about the fictional content of these works.
No glorification in other movies either, so it is the same thing.The Downfall was not a glorification of Hitler or nazis, the makers of this movie didn't show them as cool guys every youngster would want to copy.
Not doing that, it's the impression I get from your arguments.Twisting and overblowing your debate opponents words is not a good tactic.
Yeah I saw it, cool movie. Haven't seen the 2nd part yet.Did you see The Expendables ?
One thing that they decided was necessary for increasing the "fun", "coolness" factor was one of our heroes using explosive shotgun shells to literally blow people to bits.
People like that aren't allowed to watch that movie, cause they can't differ (again) between fiction and real life. With 18 years (I think the uncut version is FSK around here, dunno if the part you refer to is in the version for 16 or not, that's not for me to judge) you really should be old enough to not react the way you, like a 6 year old, I'd guess. Again, if that is not the case, then you have a whole bunch of bigger problems to tackle. Since you then said ->I think you can imagine how a young stupid male reacts to seeing things like that.
"Whoooah his stomach exploded ! Hahahaha i want that weapon ! This is the best movie ever !"
Again it is not directly promoting or preaching, it is showing the "cool guys" using the "cool weapons" to do "awesome things".
And yes - a normal, adult, sane person will not be affected at all, sad thing is that the world population is not made 100% of such people.
So it is made of people running around killing people after watching such movies? Really?
Did I miss that the "death by lawn mower" rate went significently up after the movie "Braindead" was released? And how many of those shotgun stomache explosion kills were commited after The Expendables? More than usual?
Weren't you the guy who wants armored guards with non lethal weapons at schools? If you allready think a freaking MOVIE can affect and ADULT in the way you're describing, what kind of role models are guys, standing there, showing "it's ok to harm, if you only don't hurt someone lethally" for KIDS?
I think you have a pretty twisted way to see things, pretty hypocritical, actually, if I haven't missed a point about the logic behind that.