Guilty Pleasures...

I have this natural repulsive tendency towards Bon Jovi...
I know most of their songs.
Yet, whenever i hear one of their songs, my body collapses in spastic convulsions. Same with Coldplay, The Dire Straits, Toto, and Pink Floyd. Yes. I hate Pink Floyd. But you knew that.

Guilty pleasures... How about Stan Bush, A-Ha, Mud, Boy George & The Culture about: most of the 80's gayass popmusic.
Oh btw, I have two Will Smith CD's. Don't listen to them, but still haven't wiped them off this planet.
It's more like: Shut-up-or-I'll-choke-you-with-your-own-intestines-and-ram-your-head-up-your-sphincter-kinda-death-bit.
Coldplay must die. I hope they have a planecrash.
my pleasures, while not guilty at all, are all kinds of folk. irish, celtic, egyptian/arabic, oriental, everything goes. Loreena McKennitt is a folk singer and about my 3rd favorite band or interpreter.
the latest thing i found is Varttina, a sort of female acapella ensemble that do finnish folk music. really really good.
Insilden_The Shred said:
This is great... I know far to many metal fans that won't even give anything else a chance...

then theyre not in it for the sake of the music, but rather the image IMO
Well you're never gonna learn anything if all ya ever do is the same thing over and over again.

This applies itself to music pretty well to I think...