Mr. Wu

May 7, 2002
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Hello from Brisbane, how ya goin'? I figured I'd drop in and give another update now that we're a huge six shows deep into the reunion tour.
I've been trying to write a full-blown Alpha Mail but the magic just isn't happening. I used to write so well on planes but now, it's been my only place to catch up on sleep. We just did a 40 something hour trek from a village called Raalte in Holland (10 clicks from the Dynamo site), to Amsterdam, to London, to LA to my house for a four hour layover, back to LAX to Brisbane. That's entertainment!
So far the Airborne is working. Last year when we got to Australia after flying from Japan I was sick all week. Not this time. Take Airborne.
Here's my ADD recap of the last two and a half weeks.
Rehearsals were easy. The song Time kicks ass and I can't wait to play it. For sure in NJ. Schaumburg IL is boring. Next time I will stay in the city.
Detroit was a well needed real rehearsal. The crowd was great and Harpo's was fun. They took very good care of us. We'll be back.
Chicago was it's usual fantastic self. I actually thought the crowd was better the second night. I saw a lot of you loyal NFMB's. Thank you for coming. I saw Sean in the front. I said "thanks for coming" when I handed you the pick. Saw Bud E, Pink, Thraxx, Justin, and of course our Major Domo Brent. If I forgot anyone I apologize. You guys rule and the swag came out great.
Reeves and Posehn were in the pit Saturday night. Reeves was on fire afterwards at the Chophouse. He loves Metal!
The Lamb Of God guys came Sunday night. Great to see them and their guitar tech saved our ass. I thought by Sunday night we sounded great. It got tight very quickly. Thank you all so much for coming out and having fun with us. To start with 3 sold out gigs was uplifting to say the least. We'll be back for the LA and Vegas and NJ shows. The real U.S. tour will happen October/November. We will try and hit everywhere. NJ will be sick. We're filming that show for the main concert portion of the DVD. We'll bust'em all out that night.
Dublin is always great. The city, the people, the Guinness, it's all good. we always drink at the Bruxelles which has a great Metal bar downstairs. To drink Guinness in Dublin while Thin Lizzy is blasting is all I need.
Andy Buchanan and I had a Guinness fight. 10 pints each. And they were Imperial pints, 20 oz's. It was a draw although he was hungover.
We went straight from Glasgow airport to Where The Monkey Sleeps for the legendary Manfosh. It's the breakfast sandwich that dreams are made of.
The Barrowlands rocked from start to finish and it's one of those gigs that makes me feel absolutely privileged to ever be allowed to be in a band. We've had a great relationship with the fans in Glasgow for years and it keeps getting stronger. I can't wait to come back. Donald McLeod is the man.
My Southern Cross kicks ass. Thanks Dime. Thanks Eric.
It was around forty degrees (fahrenheit) on stage at Dynamo. My fingers were numb. The crowd wasn't and we did our best to keep everyone warm by pushing even harder. They tried to stop us after Metal Thrashing Mad but we wouldn't leave the stage and we did I Am The Law. Why should Dynamo be cheated just because it's cold. Fuck that. There's no cold in Metal!
And that brings me to Brisbane. The flights weren't too bad. I slept most of it and watched 24 (it rules) and saw The Life Aquatic (where once again Bill Murray is amazing).
First Australia show tomorrow night. If it's anything like last year, we're in for a great week. And Perth this time too!!
See you soon.
mrthrax said:
dont touch xxxx beer lol,vb all the way and yes guiness is vile.
xxxx bitter (not the gold midstrength) is great, probably my fav aussie tap beer, and this is coming from a west aussie, not a queenslander!
I was sweating black as well. Guinness is life. I had XXXX from a wooden cask tonight at Breakfast Creek Hotel and it was good. I like VB too.
More Beer,
Scott - AWESOME ... man I am so pumped (like 1000s of other Aussies) to get to see you guys.


Awesome - hope you guys all have a ripper time in Australia!! Hoping all your gear hasn't gone AWOL this time round! Oh yeah and some Australian baggage handlers are quite dodgy (latest drug heist) Check you boogey board bag!!
Lastly big huge THANKS for including Perth - in store too...thankyou!!!!
thraxton hicks said:
Awesome - hope you guys all have a ripper time in Australia!! Hoping all your gear hasn't gone AWOL this time round! Oh yeah and some Australian baggage handlers are quite dodgy (latest drug heist) Check you boogey board bag!!
Lastly big huge THANKS for including Perth - in store too...thankyou!!!!

Don't say Schapelle ... how ironic ... I just finished work on her official website. Anyway enuff on that. :wave:

So Scott are you the reason Randy was feeling like shit on Monday:D ? I saw and hung out with Lamb of God the next day in Grand Rapids and he said he got wasted, watched and loved your show the day before.
Thanks for the update Mr.Wu.... I heard Dynamo was cold and wet.....Have Fun in Australia... and thanks for the Mention of the N.F.M.B members.....
Mr. Wu said:
Randy was in the dressing room after the show until late. I was talking to Mark and we were drinking Makers Mark. They rule.

Hell ya..Those guys kick much ass:headbang: I tell ya for as shitty as Randy said he felt, LoG put on probably one of the best shows I have seen in a couple of years. Those guys have been touring nonstop and I thought they would be looking pretty tired and worn out..Let me tell ya, they didn't look, sound, perform like they were ready to get off the road anytime soon. They played a top notch show and were really cool to talk too
I remember seeing Lamb of God and Anthrax in Sacramento Ca. in the Shittiest place, the Colonial Theatre . Ghetto ass place...... and MachineHead is playing there soon...I saw Randy outside the HOB and we talked about how bad is place really is.........