Guitar Advice from the experts :0


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
So I decided to bite the bullet since I have a decent guitar lying around and what not and my friends all pretty much epic fail at playing.

I'm a complete n00b to guitar like, until yesterday I didn't even know that drop c was just e standard 2 steps down ( I could still be wrong on this haha)

What do you guys recommend is the best place to start and what activities are the best to learn first as a beginer already started on alternate picking and I use a thick pick :)
E standard 2 steps down is D standard :p

It really helps to have a teacher when you first start to get you going, then you reach a point where you can pretty much teach yourself. If a teacher is out of the question though I would head over to The lessons really helped me out, they cover everything from beginner to advanced stuff. The funnest (note funnest, not necessarily the best) way to learn though is just to play songs you like...its what I did for the first year or so. Not sure if you're into them but system of a down were my favourite to play along to, for a beginner some of their songs shouldn't be too challenging I think
try to get some lessons, starting as an autodidact and doing things wrong from the beginning can fuck up your playing forever!

drop C is all strings 2 steps down+ deep e string 2 more steps down, d, a, f, C, G, C.

Old_Gregg said:
E standard 2 steps down is D standard :p

It really helps to have a teacher when you first start to get you going, then you reach a point where you can pretty much teach yourself. If a teacher is out of the question though I would head over to The lessons really helped me out, they cover everything from beginner to advanced stuff. The funnest (note funnest, not necessarily the best) way to learn though is just to play songs you like...its what I did for the first year or so. Not sure if you're into them but system of a down were my favourite to play along to, for a beginner some of their songs shouldn't be too challenging I think

Aww man ); so is drop c 4 steps ?? Rofl

And thanks for the advice I believe that too getting a teacher for the basics is definitely useful wish I had the money and time to do that I will def check out ultimate guitar I've seen a few of their tutorials and they looked pretty good

I just don't know where I should start like should I learn scales or chords or just jump right in and try and learn songs :x
Soultrash said:
try to get some lessons, starting as an autodidact and doing things wrong from the beginning can fuck up your playing forever!

drop C is all strings 2 steps down+ deep e string 2 more steps down, d, a, f, C, G, C.


Thanks for that like I know what it is and where the notes are I think I just described it wrong and I'm trying to make sure I at least get my picking right so far I just don't know where to go from there
Aww man ); so is drop c 4 steps ?? Rofl

And thanks for the advice I believe that too getting a teacher for the basics is definitely useful wish I had the money and time to do that I will def check out ultimate guitar I've seen a few of their tutorials and they looked pretty good

I just don't know where I should start like should I learn scales or chords or just jump right in and try and learn songs :x

Not quite...its only the low E string that is down 4 steps, like soul trash said. The 2 main tunings that are used for guitar are 'standard' and 'drop' with drop being when you can just barre your finger across the first 3 strings to make a power chord. If you used a drop tuning in E standard it would be drop D, using a drop tuning in D standard would be drop C etc.

Btw there are also plenty of useful lessons on youtube if you want to wade through them all. In terms of what you want to learn first it is really up to you. The lessons section on ultimate-guitar have a beginner section so I would recommend checking those out and learning the ones that interest you
Don't want to confuse you anymore with the tunings, but when the words 'step down' has been used here, it should have been 'half-step down'.

E standard two half steps down is D standard
and is the same as saying
E standard one whole step down is D standard.

So for drop C, the low E string is tuned down two whole steps, or four half steps.

In reply to your question, a teacher is the best thing really, and the next best thing like was mentioned, is just spend time learning songs you like. Also never practice without a metronome.
If you want to learn, definitely find a good teacher, i've been playing for more than 10 years now self taught and I bet i could be better than I am now with 2 years of good lessons. no shit. also make sure you jam/play with musicians that are way better than you, you will instantly improve just trying to keep up.
I've never taken lessons and I'm not sure how helpful a guitar teacher can be but there is just so much information out there for free online that it seems pointless to me...Sucks you don't have any friends good on guitar to help you out, because there are a lot of idiots that have no idea what they're talking about (most guitar players). And "harmonic_minor_shred" is right...4 steps down lol? You would be in Meshuggah territory...Drop C: Tune all strings down 1 whole step (2 half steps!), now you're in Standard D, DGCFAD. So you drop that low string down another whole step to get CGCFAD, Drop C.

Just remember when you're trying to learn something there is no such thing as "cant"....ever.