Guitar Amps used by Theocracy


New Metal Member
Apr 6, 2014
Calling all GUITARHEADS!!
I'm in the market for an amp and I wanted to list the amps used by Theocracy throughout the albums. I liked Val's lead sounds on ATWB and the rhythm sounds on Mirror of Souls, particularly Laying the Demon to Rest and Wages of Sin. Looking for something that gets me in that area. I'm currenty set on a EVH 5150 50w but I'm open to others.

Line6 Spider
Peavey 6505+
Some Marshall Stack I saw in the Hide in the Fairytale MV (JCM800?)
Orange Cab (PPC212/112)

Help me with the stuff I missed. It would be great to hear from Val/Matt/Joe/anyone...
Make sure you're talking about the correct line 6 amp. It's the Line 6 BOGNER Spider VALVE (All Tube w/ Digital effects) :) It's a killer all around amp and you can get virtually any tone out if it!
Yeah that EVH is a good head. I had one for a brief period but returned it, not because it wasn't awesome but it was just a little too saturated for me. I pick VERY hard, and even with the gain on like 2 or 3, it just wasn't my personal preference. But that's NO fault of the amp, and it will get you quite close to that MoS sound. I just *personally* prefer other things to that 5150 family of tones that every metal band on the planet uses. That said, there's a reason they're so popular--they grind in a very particular way, and they're hard to make sound bad. And that MoS sound is largely 5150 (well, 6505), so if that's what you're looking for, then I'd definitely try the EVH or some 5150 variant. Very dependable, linear midrange, works great as a central tone.

I've been chasing this stuff for like 15 years now, so I am extremely picky and very finely attuned to the differences in distortion, and eventually you just develop your own preferences. I love Marshall distortion and Mesa Mark distortion. I've used 6505s and Dual Rectifiers and so many other things to good effect, but those two (Marshall/Mesa Mark) are what my ears gravitate toward and my hands love the feel of.

Some of the other stuff you mentioned--the Marshall is the JVM and is my favorite amp I've does classic crunch to insane thrash distortion with ease, but still feels organic to me in a way that 5150 stuff doesn't even when the gain is cranked. So you can't go wrong with that, but if you're not used to Marshalls you might find it a bit thin--they don't have the huge bottom that a lot of modern amps have, but nothing slices through like a Marshall. The JVM also tends to prefer passive pickups as the gain can get overbearing with actives, but this is obviously guitar and player-dependent. The Krankenstein is another amp that I own and love--I view it as sort of a Dual Rectifier with less harsh bumblebee buzzy distortion--the character of the distortion is a little more Marshally, but bigger. It does the huge hifi size thing on the top and bottom like a Dual Recto does, but I prefer it. It's funny that that amp gets such a bad rap, because people clearly have no idea how to set it. It's very particular to set up, and can sound horrible if dialed in wrong. But if you know what you're doing, it's killer. However, I wouldn't recommend it for a main or only amp, necessarily...I like to blend it as an additional color to get more size on the top and bottom of a tone.

Just so you know:

Theocracy Debut: Mesa/Boogie TriAxis and 50/50 Power Amp rack setup, Mesa 4x12 cabinet, two tracks (but do NOT judge this gear by that horribly-recorded guitar tone! It was the engineer's fault) ;)

Mirror of Souls: Peavey 6505+, Krank Krankenstein, both through Mesa 4x12 (two tracks of each, so four rhythm tracks total)

As the World Bleeds: Marshall JVM, Krank Krankenstein, each through a different Mesa 4x12 (signal split, so two rhythm tracks total)

Keep in mind that the cabinet and speaker choice will have the biggest impact on the tone--it's funny how people don't realize that, but it's absolutely true. The same amp through two different cabinets will sounds much more different than two different amps through the same cabinet. So, all that to say...

If MoS/Wages is your goal, I would probably start with a 5150 family amp (EVH, 6505, 6505+ or 5150) and a good cabinet with Vintage 30 speakers. EMG 81 pickup and a tube screamer (preferably Maxon...not to add a lot of distortion, but just a touch to tighten it up nicely). Hope this helps!
And yes, that Line 6 Bogner head straight into a Mesa 4x12 miked with one SM57 was all we used for Val's solos. However, 95% of that tone is his hands, and that man would sound great playing through a transistor radio. :)
Ladies and gentlemen, Matt Smith cares for his fans.

I'm completely ignorant when it comes to amps, but this was impressive to see.
Thanks for the informative reply, Matt!!

I'm primarily looking for a nice saturated, fluid, lead tone sort of like John Petrucci of Dream Theater; along with chugg rhythm sounds as well.
Tried the 6505+ with a mesa 4x12 in a GC, and couldn't dial in a decent lead tone; but the rhythm sounds were some of the best and I can see why every metal band uses them. I'm one of the people who don't know how to set tones very well, like you said. I try not to scoop the mids that much.

I could probably spend up to $1300-$1500 on a stack, so a MK IV is pretty much out of the question for something like that. The Dual Rectifier or Mini is the closest Mesa for what I can afford. I'm not sure how great their lead tones would be, as their rhythm sounds are the main attraction. Definitely going to get a 1x12 or a 2x12 cab with V30s though. Probably a Mesa or orange.

After what you said, it still seems like an EVH or JVM is the one for me. I would look into a JVM if I can find one on craigslist and try it (your short review got me interested). It looks like it may also produce a warm lead tone as well as crushing rhythm tones based on what I heard from the ATWB album! ;)

Also, I probably should have said I have a Ibanez RG350dx in which I put a Dimarzio EVO and EVO2 (I was obsessed with Steve Vai for a long time haha).
Yeah, personally the Dual Rectifier wouldn't be my first choice for what you described. It can work, of course (all down to the player and personal preference), but to my ears that amp is more scooped and loose.

Mark series all the way for fluid lead tones and tight rhythms, and if you keep an eye on Craigslist and the used market you can sometimes find them well within your price range. But those amps are like NASA spacestations to dial in, so you may want to keep it more simple with the EVH or 6505.

Interesting that you couldn't get a good lead tone from the 6505+; I actually think that's one of it's strong points. Let me know if you try the JVM as well. Always happy to offer any tips I can!


Thanks for the informative reply, Matt!!

I'm primarily looking for a nice saturated, fluid, lead tone sort of like John Petrucci of Dream Theater; along with chugg rhythm sounds as well.
Tried the 6505+ with a mesa 4x12 in a GC, and couldn't dial in a decent lead tone; but the rhythm sounds were some of the best and I can see why every metal band uses them. I'm one of the people who don't know how to set tones very well, like you said. I try not to scoop the mids that much.

I could probably spend up to $1300-$1500 on a stack, so a MK IV is pretty much out of the question for something like that. The Dual Rectifier or Mini is the closest Mesa for what I can afford. I'm not sure how great their lead tones would be, as their rhythm sounds are the main attraction. Definitely going to get a 1x12 or a 2x12 cab with V30s though. Probably a Mesa or orange.

After what you said, it still seems like an EVH or JVM is the one for me. I would look into a JVM if I can find one on craigslist and try it (your short review got me interested). It looks like it may also produce a warm lead tone as well as crushing rhythm tones based on what I heard from the ATWB album! ;)

Also, I probably should have said I have a Ibanez RG350dx in which I put a Dimarzio EVO and EVO2 (I was obsessed with Steve Vai for a long time haha).