Guitar Cabinet Mic Position

daveotero said:
Brandy, cool to see you here. I've seen you post on the nuendo forums (I'm "flatlineaudio").

Maybe you could share your mic techniques from the Necrophagist recordings. Those tones are some of the cleanest, most un-hyped, killer sounding guitars I've heard recently.


Thanks a lot :)

Cool, i have seen you (your nick) in the nuendo board as well. Cool place to hang, but not very "metal" ;-)

Well, the key to those Necro-Guitars is: Hard Work.

We spent ages to find the best place for the mics. I don't want to tell all the details, but we used 2 mics, one of them was a SM57.

80% of the sound was made by comparing different positions and later different ratios of the two tracks. The way we blended the tracks in the mix...

Don't forget about the ultra-over-average playing skills of the two guitarists, you can give them a shitty guitar and a crapy combo and you will still have a great tone.

In the mix i used just a little compression (NO C4 stuff! ;-) and EQ. But i tweaked very carefully.

brandy said:
But the RE20 is worth it!

It's completely worth it. I got mine used for about $300...I don't think that's really a huge amount of money to save up.

JBroll said:
But godDAMN that's an awful lot of money to pay to not swivel the mike a bit...

godDAMN that's an awful lot of ignorance to say that swiveling the mic will give you the same tonal characteristics that an RE20 would add.
Aaron Smith said:
I used to kind of have that same lack-of-warmth, lack-of-balls problem when trying to record the guitar with just a dynamic mic. I'm sure I could do better with different mic placement, but, as I've said before on here, when I picked up an Electrovoice RE20 it added all the warmth and balls I will ever need. I did hardly any post EQing on the last song my band recorded:

The mics on "Bring The End" are an Audix i5, Sennheiser e609, and the RE20. I've endlessly tweaked every part of the mix, but not once have I felt like I needed to tweak the guitars.

I do like how those guitars sound. how many tracks do you have layered there for the sound? What guitar/amp/cab combo?
Aaron Smith said:
It's completely worth it. I got mine used for about $300...I don't think that's really a huge amount of money to save up.

I'd love to have money to save up, but I'm stuck in school and jobs aren't quite working out... I'll take your word for it but I've already got to spend so much money on other things around the house that just don't work at all that I'm seriously low on gear cash.

Aaron Smith said:
godDAMN that's an awful lot of ignorance to say that swiveling the mic will give you the same tonal characteristics that an RE20 would add.

I didn't say that, I was just speaking in reference to

Aaron Smith said:
I'm sure I could do better with different mic placement

as being on a budget consisting of lunch money not spent on lunch means a *lot* of swiveling that bloody mic.

And boiling that bloody mic to take that bloody transformer out.

And taking apart that bloody mic to make sure there is no 'balls -> 0' switch to blame for the loss in chunk.

And, disappointed by the lack of 'balls -> 0' switches, a *lot* more swiveling that bloody mic.
