Guitar EQ help


Apr 10, 2010
I need some help or some tips on how to improve this guitar sounds so that blend better with the mix

this is the no eq version of the guitars

this is the eq version, nothing special just rise a bit the hi frequencies

i think that one problem is the bass guitar because is not blending with the guitars, can any one help me
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the guitar sounds fine in the first clip. the problem is the drums.
The tone sounds hollow, EQ can't help with that. The EQ you have applied made it even worse IMO. Try to fix whatever is causing this hollowness.
The tone sounds hollow, EQ can't help with that. The EQ you have applied made it even worse IMO. Try to fix whatever is causing this hollowness.

my second EQ attempt, I use some compression, long atack and a fast rel.
and I cut some freqencias between 600 and 900 hz, the hollowness decreased but still sound hollow, when you say that EQ cant help, what can I tray to do, besides re-record because it's completely impossible to me

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my second EQ attempt, I use some compression, long atack and a fast rel.
and I cut some freqencias between 600 and 900 hz, the hollowness decreased but still sound hollow, when you say that EQ cant help, what can I tray to do, besides re-record because it's completely impossible to me

Re-recording can likely be the only way to help this situation. It sounds like it was recorded in a very small very live room. If you want, send me dry unaffected source material for whatever you have currently, be it DIs, or miked tones or what, and I will see what I can make of it. If I can fix or at least minimize the problem, then I will tell you what I did so you know from now on.
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If rerecording is not an option maybe you can duplicate the two guitar tracks and slightly offset the two new ones my some ms (so you have 4 guitar tracks). If you have DI's you could also use an IR with more mids on them.
If rerecording is not an option maybe you can duplicate the two guitar tracks and slightly offset the two new ones my some ms

That doesn't make sense. That's the real reason we are in this situation to begin with.
I send you the files on a private messenger,
I also decided to leave here link with the files for those who want to try to help me solve the problem of guitars
the tracks are in wav format, at 24 bits, it contains the drums and bass guitar and the two distorced guitars I use.

if someone achieve something interesting please contact me

the bass and drums are midi
is an interesting idea, the bass suks I know, but the drums sounds good to me, I'm not an mix engineer I just a musician trying to mix her songs,

the bass I use SR5 Rock Bass with guitar rig 4, and some eq, Is there a better amp sim for bass or IR or is just me that dont know how to use guitar rig
and that approach should I take on the drums?
you can try revalver (bassbox + bassamp), Ampeg SVX or mark studio 1(from overloud) they should sound better than GR4
I had a few minutes playing around with your files, and I do mean this was just quick. The guitars are still not what I would consider to be a "good" tone, but the recording is flawed, and I do believe that I at least got them into the ballpark of better.

I couldn't do much with your bass track because it was already distorted, and I didn't like it, but I worked with it anyway.

I have some Bass IRs as part of my Premium IR packs if you are interested. Prices are very reasonable, and I can teach you how to use them.
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very nice mix, you where 100% right, the problem was the drums and bass, if i can't find some nice bass IR for free I will contact you.
Just for the others' reading this thread, here's what I did for the guitars. First off they got parallel EQ boosts at 600Hz and 100Hz, and then serial EQ cuts of 200Hz, 400Hz, and a wide boost at 4k until it balanced with the brightness of the cymbals.