Guitar Harmonic


Mar 7, 2006
In "Oops, i did it again!", they make a harmonic when they sing "Cus i loose all my sences". Could i have a course in how to make them, and make them sounds like in the song? I would be honored. :worship:
ok, hold the pick sideways, but have it more in your hands so your fingers can pinch the string a bit. You can also use your right index finger to find natural harmonics.
just hold your pick so that your thumb hits the string right after you pick the note.ill look for some videos as well
Gavin your tone on that recording was awesome and man can you play. (regardless it was just a few riffs with pinch harmonics in between)
Deathroller said:
Gavin your tone on that recording was awesome and man can you play. (regardless it was just a few riffs with pinch harmonics in between)

Thanks bro!:oops:

It's my pod XT custom powerball patch.

On my CD, i mix it with a 5150 patch (the 5150 patch i made sounds HORRIBLE on it's own, but add's clarity and attack to the powerball).
I'm currently working on a 5track solo CD with aim to distribute and recruit band members. It should be done about may.

At the end of the month, my 2 man band Battleheart are recording our EP in my home studio.

Battleheart are my Pirate metal band.
fucking cool bro, I just got myself a tascam 8 track and Im getting ready to start cutting my own power metal project