guitar help! what do i need to fix?


Apr 7, 2010
Here's a song I've been working on I am by no means good at doing this AT ALL. I just started trying to record and this whole mix is all from reading up on this wonderful forum I happened to have stumbled upon :headbang:. Could I possibly get some pointers on what needs improvement and what I can do to achieve that? The main thing for me right now would be the guitars and getting a fuller tone but anything about the whole mix overall would be great :worship:. I use Ableton live 8 with a toneport UX1, I have podfarm2. Drums are obviously terribly programmed :puke:. No vocals yet.
Hey man, you might want to consider using Dropbox for your uploads to make it more convenient for everyone here. You're more likely to get a response, and tips on how you can improve your mix.

Also, maybe start with explaining what your current guitar chain is, that way we can work with you to improve them. You mentioned having pod farm, is that what is used in this mix?
Hey man, you might want to consider using Dropbox for your uploads to make it more convenient for everyone here. You're more likely to get a response, and tips on how you can improve your mix.

Also, maybe start with explaining what your current guitar chain is, that way we can work with you to improve them. You mentioned having pod farm, is that what is used in this mix?

yes i used pod farm.

For my chain i used pod farm, s1-shuffler, and q10 eq. Here's a screen of my settings

Edit: Oh and also I have the lows and highs from the guitars sent to A and B with a saturator on em.
I think the drums sound a bit robotic (the snare and the cymbals)

I hear some digital clipping but it mayber just me it's late :zzz:

And re-upload your song with the guitar hard left / hard right for the other guys ^^
I think the drums sound a bit robotic (the snare and the cymbals)

I hear some digital clipping but it mayber just me it's late :zzz:

And re-upload your song with the guitar hard left / hard right for the other guys ^^

Ya I know the drums are pretty programmed =/ but I'm not gonna mess with that too much. At what points do you hear the clipping? Here's the panned version

I like your kick and snare samples. What samples are you using?

Uhh I found em off the sticky for heavy metal drum samples. It's and FTP site, I'm using the tamastarclassic and the born snare drum. I'm running em through beatcraft with a little eq and reverb on both. How do you think the guitars sound? Like if this was a final mix minus the vocals.
There is literally nothing panned, the guitars are in the center. The tones aren't bad from what I hear, but would probably sounds better panned. When the snare does rolls, it soudns very robotic, like there's only one sample.
There is literally nothing panned, the guitars are in the center. The tones aren't bad from what I hear, but would probably sounds better panned. When the snare does rolls, it soudns very robotic, like there's only one sample.

uhh idk what to tell you. i have 2 takes for 2 guitars. Each take is panned hard R and hard L
Tone sounds good a lot better on the that last mix with them hard L/R


The Kick and Snare samples are awesome, especially the snare!! WANT!! will have a look for that laters...