Guitar Help!

Mountain Man

Blow It All To Hell!
Feb 24, 2002
West Virginia
My dad has been playing acoustic guitar since 1983. The guitar he has been playing since then is a limited edition 6 strings Alvarez and it’s a nice guitar. Anyway, my dad’s playing abilities are about average. He plays in his bedroom about 3 to 4 times a week along to typical classic rock: Boston, Kansas, Rainbow and The Beatles, and from time-to-time he’ll play some Opeth or In Flames acoustic pieces. For a few years now, he has been very close to purchasing an electric guitar and I’m pretty sure he’ll be purchasing one for this Christmas. He seems to have his mind set on these things: A Fender Stratocaster, along with a Peavey, Marshall or Fender amp. He said he’s willing to spend up to $1500 for all the guitar stuff. So my questions go out to all of you guitar players: What would be the best guitar for my dad to purchase considering how often he plays and what type of music he plays along too? He’s a really big Fender fan. Also, what type of amp would you recommend? I told him Marshall. Any help you guys can give me for him to make his decision would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :cool:
Well . . . if he is a Fender fan, he might as well get a Fender. According to the music he enjoys playing, I wouldn't recommend a Fender amp. They aren't that versatile, and your dad seems to be into a pretty broad range of stuff (mostly rock, though). I'd recommend he look at several different amps and decide after playing them with the guitar he wants to buy.

Oh . . . and you'll get about a hundred more responses if you'd put this thread where it belongs . . . in the MUSICIANS forum.
Originally posted by npearce
Well . . . if he is a Fender fan, he might as well get a Fender. According to the music he enjoys playing, I wouldn't recommend a Fender amp. They aren't that versatile, and your dad seems to be into a pretty broad range of stuff (mostly rock, though). I'd recommend he look at several different amps and decide after playing them with the guitar he wants to buy.

Oh . . . and you'll get about a hundred more responses if you'd put this thread where it belongs . . . in the MUSICIANS forum.

Thanks. I posted the message first in the musicians forum, then I decided to post it here.