Guitar Hero drums as midi controller?

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I'm sure it's possible but how?

I have the Guitar Hero World Tour drum kit. And I'm using Studio One as my Daw. What I want to do is play the GH drum kit anti record midi hits then edit them from there.

What do I need to make this work?
I laughed at this man, in all honesty haha. Wish I could help, though. I'm sure someone on here knows how.
Laughing cuz of how silly and cheap it is? Cuz I completely understand lol.

No, of course not. Just the whole idea of sampling a GH Kit haha But you gotta do what you gotta do. I completely understand that.
I wouldn't be sampling the kit sounds. Just using the midi hits to trigger different samples. Feel free to laugh I guess but if I can get it to work decently I'll save hundreds of dollars using a makeshift electronic drum kit instead of buying one. I see it as a fun studio project.
Oh sorry misread that then, and Im not laughing to offend you. Like I said, do what you gotta do. I do tons of things to save money.
Thanks for the link, DullElysium. And Selke I know you're. It laughing to offend. I'd laugh too. I'm just in my creative zone lately and have been wanting to try some new and almost whacky things that'll get a job done. If it works, yay. If not, oh well it was fun trying.
since you're using some kind of basic usb game pad controller you might have three options in fact: (same is valid to any kind of usb gamepad)

check first if the controller itself it's installed properly in your computer with latest drivers

1. Get a vst plugin named mijoy pro, it basically read all commands coming from any gamepad controller function and convert it into midi for any kind of purposes, in fact you can even edit any kind of interactions straight from it.

2. take at look at this link, second method is really complicated. LINK

3. try a plugin program named X-padder, it converts all the controller signal into mouse and keyboard interactions, can be used to trigger hotkeys and even notes if your daw allows normal keyboard to midi note entry.

hope it helps.:kickass:
All I can say that the ideas that come while playing the drums are different from the ones created by clicking the mouse. Both can give great results but it really depends on what the user is more in terms with (don't know the proper term for that)
I'm having the drummers of the bands I'm recording walk me through each individual hit. And sometimes it's hard as bawlz for the drummer to explain the patterns hes playing because he does them instinctually and can't verbally communicate a complex drum fill. I figure it'd be easier for them to actually play something that resembles a kit and I could also use the midi hits from said kit. Plus itd be kinda fun for them/easier for me. I say, in recordings, it doesn't matter how you do it or how it looks while doing it, as long as it sounds good in the end. And in the end if it's more trouble than it's worth than at least I learned something, I'm the kind of person who has to try it out even though its almost an inevitable failure.

Someone on this forum has a sigquote that says, "don't worry about how I'm squeezing the utters, just enjoy the milk." Couldn't have said it better myself.
GOT IT!! It doesn't work perfectly (as expected) but shit it works! This'll make it a hell of alot easier explaining rolls now that I can actually see and hear them as the drummer does. Plus it'll improve my workflow. Didn't spend a dime either.

And the milk tastes good too.
Did you get it to work in a daw? or only outside DAW? I started to test this and I can get it to trigger something outside daw but nothing in daw.
I did get it to work in the daw. I installed a free program called "LoopBe" and then I had to "install a new keyboard" external interface within my daw. After that i brought up a Kontakt track and routed the LoopBe program to it.