Midi Controller for Addictive Drums or DFHS?


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Anyone recommend a easy method for programming drums for midi tracks in Pro Tools?

I find it to be such a drag to use the piano roll and having to scroll up and down to find the right key containing the drum or cymbol I am looking for.

And it takes hours to do a song.

I am thinking about something like the M-Audio Trigger Finger.

I wouldnt mind doing simple beats and cymbols and then going over it again to layer the drums parts.

And for faster kicks, tom rolls or blast beats I dont mind using the mouse to click in the multiple squares on the midi track.

Is that about the easiest way to go? (other than playing an electronic drum kit)
does anybody have any workflow suggestions on speeding up the process for programming a whole song?

all besides the standard copy and paste business.

i'm lackin a controller, so i'm using the good ol midi keyboard.

thanks guys
I think you'll have quite a hard time using a controller with Addictive Drums, since it doesn't have its own mapping page where you can map all your sounds. You'll have to reconfigure the device, rather than the software, which is always a bit more of a pain in the ass.