Guitar Lessons


May 29, 2008
This lady wants me to teach her kid to play the geetar and of course is offering to pay. I don't know what I should charge though. Also, I'm kinda lost as to how to go about the actual teaching. I'd really appreciate some guidelines or such. Like what I should start with and on up from there.
Hey man, what I did before I started teaching again, was check the local music shops and ask how much their lessons are running and run right around in that range.

You can raise or lower the price all depending on how good you feel your teachin skills are. Also I'd suggest doing payments such as, $XX for 4 lessons, or the per lesson route.

But as far as straight up teaching goes, I'd knock the first couple lessons out with learning to reading tabs, the open chords, and getting him used to strummin and whatnot.
Also find out what his favorite bands are and maybe learn one of those songs to impress him and help him get really pumped up about playing.

I'd either buy a mel bay blank tablature book from a local shop, or just print the blank ones off the internet. I do both.
After that I'd start moving into scales and whatever else.

The only key thing I'd tell ya, is to do it at his pace. Just use your discretion with whatever you teach him, and at how fast you teach him. Don't get too far ahead of him, but stay far enough to challenge him.

You're the teach man! It's easy and real fun.

hope that helped.
I charge $50 a month with 4 - 30 minute lessons. People tell me that I'm cheap, but I usually find it in the parents best interest because as other guitar teachers will tell you, the kids come in excited as hell and lose interest usually within a month and stop practicing. They come up with the best excuses too! :lol: It sucks because when the kid doesn't practice and improve it really shows and parents usually end up pulling their kid out because the money isn't getting the kid where they wanted in such a short amount of time. But as someone else mentioned, research some local guitar stores or look at some ads and see what the average rate is. Good Luck!
When I was 13 my parents paid $45 for 2 30 minute lessons per month. I don't know if that even matters now.
