Guitar Mic Technique Question


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
Stoopid question but If I wanted to go for more of a Nu Metal... Disturbed, Evanescence, Nickelback etc. type of guitar sound.
What would be most likely more of a better way of micing the cab (air or no air)? Up close and against the grill or a little further away to grab more air/room?
I know I would if it was me reamping the tracks. But someone else is doing it for me and I dont have the option to try both... just have one choice do I want some room in the mic or right up against the grill. So if someone can help me in making a quick decision for the style of music.
If you can use 2 mics, than put one 1 inch off the grill (dead center of the cone) and the other either right next to it, or at either 9 inches, 27 inches, or 81 inches back. (3:1 rule). If you can only have one, than i would say 1-3 inches from grill, dead center of the cone.