Guitar Modeling VST


Huge Member
Aug 29, 2006
Anyone using Amplitube 2 or any other decent amp modeling software? Seems that a decent sounding one is kind of elusive in the world of DAW's. I have an original POD and an old Fender amp, neither of which sound that great and wondered if anyone was using these successfully in their recoding endeavors.
Wow, that's cool! And's free! I'll check it out and let you know. Thanks-
GuitarSuite rocks...kinda pissed it's PC only though. I used it alot when I had a PC for recording, but now I'm all Mac so I'm missing that plug. Also, Line6 is releasing a VST version of it's XT models, should be kinda interesting. There is also Amplitube2, which I haven't used but I hear it's a lot better than the first one which sounded like cardboard. There is GuitarRig by Native Instruments, and Waves GTR. And there is one or two I think by Voxengo that get ok results.

You have to expect absolute crap from any of these though, because when it sounds kinda alright, you won't feel so disappointed. If you expect it to sound great, you'll be disappointed...kinda some reverse psychology there haha.

Good luck!

I think Guitar Suite is the best, but it still has a bit of that digital fizzyness that I haven't been able to dial out. If you can go without any kind of cab modeling in GS or whatever you may use, and try using some of the speaker impulses around here, you'll like the sound a lot more.

hmmmm......Gsuite isn't working in Adobe Audition?!? I've got other kinds of VST plugins like Drumagog, Voxengo, GoldenGate.......but this Guitar Suite isn't working. It says it's unsupported.
When were line 6 gonna do that vst/plug in? And do we chumps that have brought the model packs have to pay again for it or can we get an upgrade/update for our gear box software.
I just have a regular old POD (not xt). But I've heard something about Amp Farm. Does anyone use it?
moose209 said:
When were line 6 gonna do that vst/plug in? And do we chumps that have brought the model packs have to pay again for it or can we get an upgrade/update for our gear box software.

Its called amp farm and they only do RTAS, they dont plan on VST support. They are relying on protools porcessing cards to do the intensive processing that goes on in the pod.

Ive talked to a few people at line 6 and they say if they wer to do a VST version minimum system requirments would be insane, like 5 gigs of ram or some shit. I was talking to them at summer NAMM.
guitarguru777 said:
Its called amp farm and they only do RTAS, they dont plan on VST support. They are relying on protools porcessing cards to do the intensive processing that goes on in the pod.

Ive talked to a few people at line 6 and they say if they wer to do a VST version minimum system requirments would be insane, like 5 gigs of ram or some shit. I was talking to them at summer NAMM.
He's referring to the new Gearbox plugin, soon to be released, but no RTAS announced, just VST.
The clue on Line6 forums is that they didn't clarified if it's gonna be a software only thing or a combination of software and some interface like the UX line.
I don't believe that a POD would really take that much power - if it's really that much, why do the little buggers cost three hundred dollars, weigh three kilos, and take up less desk space than my keyboard?

JBroll said:
From the Nickelback thread...

Nickelback uses AmpFarm.


Yeah, for scratch tracks. From that same thread, they did the real guitars run through both a Triple X and Mesa Triple Rectifier. If you can achieve that same tone that's at the start of 'Throw Yourself Away' with AmpFarm, props to you, because you're probably the best rock engineer who ever existed :D.
Yeah the beginning of "Animals" is sick. That guitar sound is sweet. My bro gave me this POD Ver 2.0. Any cool hacks you guys know of that I can do to it to turbo charge the thing or should I just break down and get a POD XT?
The XT is much better than the POD 2.0 bean. But really if you get the XT, you still need to shell the $50 over to get the Metal Shop pack. It's well worth the $50 though...the models are a hell of a lot more useful than the stock XT ones as you can tell from StoryTeller's clip.

ScottCash said:
....should I just break down and get a POD XT?

Recently made that upgrade myself and it was worthwhile. At first I didn't find a single usable tone within the presets, but then started tweaking some other users patches and using impulses instead of the cabs and now very happy. I didn't find the XT as "immediate" as the 2.0 in finding a sound, but if you put in the work and use your ears the XT has a lot more to offer.
thats all sh****

the only thing you can use is the pod, it´s all about the pod;)

for shure, I tried all that VST plugins and they are between very bad and something sounding like a kniff scrashing on an oil tank;)